Just a Couple of Pounds Part 1 A Little Room to Grow

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Jay had always worried about his appearance, but his girlfriend Jen thought he looked perfect. He was tall and strong, and in good shape, but he just couldn't seem to lose the few extra pounds that he carried around his middle. Jen, however, thought they just made him a little cuddlier, and she didn't mind them at all.

"It's just a couple of extra pounds." Jen insisted, kissing him. "You look amazing. Don't worry about it."

Jay was doubtful, but he knew his girlfriend liked the way he looked so he tried to be confident. He pushed the scales to the corner of the bathroom, deciding to not worry about his weight, and just enjoy life.

"Good." Jen told him. "It's just a number. It doesn't change who you are."

Jay smiled, watching Jen bring out dessert. "That looks amazing." He told her, trying to not think about his midsection. "You're a great cook."

Truthfully, Jen was a good cook, but what Jay loved most about her was how supportive she was. She never failed to make him feel good about himself, no matter what, and even as he felt his pants getting tighter she still found ways to make him feel attractive.

"You have a strong frame." Jen insisted, running her hands across his chest. "You can carry a little extra weight. It's fine."

Jay wasn't so sure, but every time Jen brought out snacks he couldn't resist. Before long not only were his pants tight, but he had a soft roll that spilled over the waistband.

"It's just a couple of pounds." Jen insisted, grabbing his love handles and pulling him closer. "You wouldn't be upset with me if I gained a couple of pounds, would you?"

Jay shook his head. "No, but...."

"No buts, except this one." Jen said, smacking his butt playfully. "I just made a cake so this is no time to worry about your weight. We need to finish the cake before it goes bad."

Jay reluctantly accepted a big slice of cake and they settled on the couch to binge watch some TV, but Jay was still thinking about his waistline, feeling the way his belly settled in his lap when he sat. Jen didn't seem to mind, but he was getting self conscious.

As the weeks passed, Jay knew he was gaining. His belly was fuller and his pecs were decidedly becoming manboobs. Finally he couldn't hold himself back and he climbed on the scale. "I knew it." He said sadly. "I have gained weight."

Jen shrugged. "It's just a couple of pounds." She told him, putting her toothbrush away. "It's not a big deal."

"I'm huge." Jay observed, touching his stretch marks. "Two forty four."

Jen leaned into his overfed belly and slid her arms around his waist. "You're just a big guy." She said honestly. She thought it was funny that he stressed every time he put on a little weight, but she still thought he looked adorable.

Still, as the weeks passed, Jay's weight continued to inch up slowly. As Jen said, it was just a pound or two here and there, but the pounds started to add up. At 267 Jay noticed that his shirts were getting tight, and Jen noticed that he was starting to spill out the bottom of his shirts so they got him some new ones. Jay grabbed a couple pairs of sweat pants, figuring if he was going to lose some weight he'd need some comfortable pants to work out in.

But working out never came to fruition, and Jay's waistline continued to expand. At first he wore the sweat pants only occasionally but he found them so comfortable he started wearing them more and more, especially as his weight climbed towards three hundred.

"I'm going to grab you a couple more pairs of sweat pants, honey." Jen told him as she noticed his gradual wardrobe change. "You look so cute in them."

It was true. She loved him in them. Loved being able to slide her hands into his pants when she wanted to, and the way he looked so comfy in them. It was so much better than when he wore tight slacks and looked uncomfortable all the time.

When she got to the store she hesitated at the sizes before finally grabbing one size bigger than he usually wore. She'd noticed her hands were a little squished when she tucked them between his waistband and his swelling tummy. I'll just get one size up. She decided, grabbing a couple of pairs. Just to give him a little more room. A little extra comfort, and maybe a little room to grow.

She could tell she'd made the right choice because Jay kept wearing the new pairs instead of the old ones, automatically grabbing the looser fit without realizing why. After a couple weeks Jen replaced the old ones with newer, bigger ones, glad he no longer had the tight pants biting into his sensitive belly.

Jay, not realizing his pants were all bigger, thought he must have lost a couple of pounds and he unconsciously rewarded himself by splurging on extra calories with expected results. Before he knew it the new pants were fitting as tight as the old ones, his three hundred and thirty eight pound body stretching the elastic waistband tightly.

"I'm gaining." He observed, cradling his swelling belly. "Do I look heavier?"

Jen wrapped her arms around his substantial waist. "You look perfect." She said honestly, vowing to pick up some looser pants. "You always had a little tummy, and this is just a couple extra pounds."

Jay didn't look convinced, but when Jen pulled him to bed and had her way with him he quickly forgot his concerns.

Jen bought him some clothes in the same styles and colours the next size up in order to save his feelings, not really minding his weight one way or the other? She assumed his weight would level off at some point.

But Jay continued to gain. At three hundred and sixty two soft pounds he didn't notice the odd pound or two added to his heavy frame, and with Jen supplying newer, bigger clothes as he grew, Jay didn't really think about his weight as his waistline ballooned. Three sixty became three seventy, and three seventy became three eighty, which became three ninety, and before either of them realized it, Jay was over four hundred pounds and still gaining.

He'd long outgrown their scales and his clothes still fit the same, but Jay felt bigger. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it was strange. My clothes fit the same but everything else is a little tighter. Jay thought as he squeezed in behind the wheel of his car.

When he talked to Jen about it, she shrugged, looking at him critically. He'd definitely gained, but through the rose coloured glasses of love, Jen only registered him as a couple of pounds heavier than when they'd first gotten together, despite his swollen belly and heavy breasts. "You look great, Jay." She told him honestly. "I've been stressed lately, so I lost a couple of pounds." She admitted. "Maybe you just think you're bigger because I'm a little smaller."

Jay accepted this reasoning because it suited him. "You need to eat." He told his girlfriend, pulling her against his overflowing belly. "You need to take care of yourself."

Jen smiled. "But it's more fun to take care of you." She joked, cuddling into him, unconsciously loving the way her hands fit in between his rolls, anchoring her to him.

Jay decided to take matters into his own hands and began cooking and baking at home, hoping to entice his lithe girlfriend into a healthier lifestyle.

"Come on, Jen." He said playfully, feeding her an eclair. "You have to take care of yourself."

Jen bit the cream filled dessert and smiled. "That is good." She agreed, offering him a bite.

"Maybe I should quit my job and become a baker." Jay joked as he took another bite of the eclair.

Jen smiled and they began alternating feeding each other playfully. By the time they were done Jay had eaten way more than Jen had, but he was just happy she'd eaten and seemed less stressed.

Before long Jen was back to her normal weight, but Jay had gained far more, and he'd developed a taste for sweets. At four hundred and forty eight pounds, though, baking was getting to be a challenge. He still did it, but more and more often Jen would bake and cook, and she started bringing snacks home regularly. Jay was happier to sit on the couch and watch from their open concept living room, occasionally sampling her food, and the lack of exercise impacted his waistline even more.

Jen noticed that when he was sitting, Jay's belly spilled between his legs and past the edge of the seat, but she didn't mention it. She didn't want to make him feel self conscious, and it really was just a couple of extra pounds. She just bought him bigger clothes and quietly disposed of his old ones.

Jay liked their new routine, and he loved that Jen seemed more relaxed. And an added benefit for Jay was that she was getting more sexually adventurous. The bigger his belly grew Jen was noticing that positions like missionary were getting too challenging. His blubbery gut all but blocked her access to his penis when he was on top, so to save his ego she did some research and started suggesting new ways to have sex. She was surprised to find that no matter how they did it, his blubber pressed against her heavily. The effect seemed to be that his penis pressed all the right buttons, and she climaxed more often. Afterwards she would collapse against his growing belly and give him treats to replenish him.

I know it's just a couple of pounds. Jen thought as she rubbed his belly after an ex gasping session. But the extra weight makes sex so much better. And I'm sure his weight will plateau soon....

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