Just a Couple of Pounds Part 3 If You Help Me

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With nowhere to go, Jay remained on the couch, expanding fast, his appetite never slowing down. He knew he was gaining. He knew he was eating thousands of calories more than he needed to every day, but he didn't mind it. He was enjoying his new and ever growing size. He liked how big and soft he was getting, he loved his swollen, sensitive breasts, and his belly, so big he couldn't reach half of it. He loved reaching his doughy arms out and feeling fat everywhere, soft rolls swelling in every direction.

And he loved being taken care of. He loved Jen feeding him all day and sometimes at night, her small hands rubbing and cleaning and moisturizing his growing body. Somehow he loved knowing he was far too big to take care of himself, and seeing that Jen loved him enough to do it all.

The new bed couldn't come soon enough, because Jay's belly had eclipsed the end of the ottoman, his entire body overflowing the couch, spilling past his swollen legs, a huge blob in the middle of the living room. Just a few shreds of fabric still clung to his overfed body, and Jay felt an odd pride as the delivery men stared at him in shock. "I'm hungry, Jen." He said deliberately loud enough for them to hear, rubbing one fat hand across his distended gut. At least two of the men looked impressed by his size, and he knew all of them would go home talking about him.

Jen, not wanting Jay to be stressed while the delivery men were in the house, brought plates of brownies and bowls of ice cream to Jay, her hands caressing him lovingly every time she brought him a new treat.

Before the delivery men left one of them, the name Pete etched on his shirt, approached Jay. "One of my buddies owns a bunch of cranes." He said, holding out a card. "If you need help getting into the bed we can rig something for you."

Jay reached his furthest hand out so Pete would have to lean across his vast belly to give him the card. Pete smiled and obliged, clearly curious about Jay's size. "We'll do a good job." Pete promised.

Jay nodded, smiling.

"I think you'll be fine." Jen insisted. "You've just put on a couple of pounds lately, but it's not a big deal."

After the delivery men left Jay finished up his food and Jen rubbed his swollen belly. "I think you can get there on your own." She said, her hands lingering lovingly. "You've only put on a little weight since the door incident."

But when Jay tried to get up it was not happening. Even if he'd been able to lift himself up from a sitting position his belly stretched too far in front of him. It was too big of an obstacle, so Jen called the number Pete had given her. She arranged for Pete's friend, Mike, to come by in a couple of days to make a plan for moving him.

Jay used the incident as an excuse to stuff himself, knowing Jen would bring him anything he wanted if she thought he was feeling self conscious. If Pete thought I was big today, wait until he sees me when they move me. Jay thought, smiling as Jen fed him.

When Mike came he came alone, bringing rulers and tape measures, looking every bit as impressed as Pete had been. "We can rig something up, no problem." Mike told them after taking various measurements, including measurements of Jay himself. "You're not my first client of size." He told them, smiling. "You're not even the biggest."

Jay was a little disappointed. "Really?"

"Definitely not. I'm guessing you're just shy of a thousand pounds, and we recently had a client who weighed almost twelve hundred." Mike told him, raising his eyebrows at the impressive number.

"See?" Jen said, rubbing her hands under one of Jay's heavy manboobs. "You're not that heavy, honey. It's just a couple of pounds."

But when Mike left, promising to rig something for him in the next few weeks, Jay looked at Jen with hungry eyes. "It would be kind of cool to be his biggest client." He told his girlfriend.

Jen smiled, massaging his swollen belly. "I know. You're so close, it's almost a shame."

"I could gain though." Jay say hopefully. "I'm sure I could beat the other guy."

Jen was surprised. "You want to try to gain weight?"

Jay nodded, his fat cheeks rippling above his four chins. "It's just a couple of pounds."

Jen resisted the urge to point out that two hundred pounds wasn't just a couple of pounds. "You can't gain that much in such a short time." Jen pointed out hesitantly.

"I bet I can if you help me." Jay said, giving his girlfriend his puppy dog eyes.

Jen felt her heart melt. "We can do whatever you want, Jay." She promised, caressing his warm flesh. She paused. "I mean, I guess it's only a couple of pounds each day...."

Jay smiled because he knew he had won her over.

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