The Argument (introduction)

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"I don't want Henry being involved with the press and all of the celebrity drama, I just don't think it's necessary for a one year old to be apart of it."

Zendaya and Tom were in one of their nightly arguments. Ever since their son Henry had been born their relationship had started going downhill. They had brought up splitting up far too many times, and the more they talked about it, the closer they got to doing it.

"Z you know he has to be involved with the press, that's what comes with being a celebrity!"

Tom didn't like seeing his girlfriend like this. He hated seeing his girlfriend mad and upset, but there was nothing he could do about, and the more he tried to make things better, the worse they got.

"Tom for ONCE just listen to me! If you wouldn't be such a selfish jerk than maybe we could agree on things more!"

Tom watched as a single tear fell down her cheek. He knew this was the end for them. He couldn't keep doing this to her. Zendaya was under too much stress, and he didn't want something bad to happen to her.

So he placed one last kiss on her cheek, and started packing his things. His vision started becoming blurred from the salty water waiting to escape.

"What are you doing?" Zendaya said, the words barely escaping her lips.

Tom turned towards her, not stopping his packing. He let out a gentle sigh and gave her the most sincere look he could.

"I don't want to hurt you Z, I love you too much, I can't keep seeing you in distress. It pains me, and it probably pains you too, but this is it."

Zendaya just stood there, not saying anything.

"What about Henry?"

Tom looked towards the small child. He didn't want Henry to be fatherless, and Tom wanted to be there when he grew up.

"I'll visit him as much as I can, maybe he could stay at my place sometime."

Zendaya shook her head and sat down. Placing a hand on her forehead.

"Okay." Was all she could say.

Tom continued packing his things, only grabbing the items he needed most.

That night he slept on the couch, as his and zendaya's bed was just hers now. And in the morning he woke up before she did, to make sure he could leave without confrontation.

He grabbed his suitcase by the handle with his cold, rough hands, and he stepped outside. Knowing he would never see his son grow up in that house, become a husband in that house, and grow old in that house.

He locked the door, knowing he may never go inside again, and started his new life as a free, but broken man.

A/N: sorry this chapter is so short, this is just an introduction so I tried not to make it too long, just enough to give a back story. Btw I'm super excited about starting this story!

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