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   The night sky and slightly cool breeze seemed to calm Harry's wild thoughts.  It was only the second day of the school year and he'd already been caught up in a uncomfortable situation.  Over the summer Harry had presented as a rare male Omega.  Harry wasn't that upset about his presentation but it wasn't easy being the only male Omega presented in fifteen years.  All though it did run in the Potter family and his grandfather was the last male Omega born before him they still had expected a dapper fellow like Harry to be an Alpha.   Harry sighed pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose as he walked in the direction of the forbidden forest.  Today had been overly exhausting on more than one occasion.  Harry and Ron has caused an explosion in potions that nearly took a hole out of their lab table.  Draco and the Slytherin horde in their class had acted like it'd been the only time in Hogwarts history someone had blown up a cauldron.  Speaking of that treacherous blonde, every since Harry arrived at Hogwarts he'd noticed his inner omega had an infatuation with Draco.  Draco had presented as an Alpha two weeks prior to the first day of classes.  Harry had no idea why but when he saw or caught Draco's gaze lately his heartbeat hiccuped and a deep blush set into his cheeks.  He hoped it would only last a few days and prayed Draco wouldn't notice his behavior.  Surprisingly, Harry had only encountered one Alpha who offered himself to Harry as a mate.  Harry declined respectfully and the other seventh year wasn't too happy but left when Ron showed up.  Having one of your best friends present as an Alpha had its perks.   Harry was snapped out of his thoughts as he almost came to close to the edge of the forbidden forest.  When he turned on his heel his emerald green eyes spotted a tall figure drenched in dark robes about fifty feet back.  Harry gulped and as discreetly as he could reached for his own wand within his robes. 

"Who are you?"  Harry called out cautiously taking a step back.  The figure remained silent and stepped closer slowly.  Harry scented the air and could tell it was an Alpha but not one he could remember meeting before or at least not recognize their scent.   "Stop right there!"  Harry yelled raising his wand to point directly at the hidden Alpha's chest.  He continued approaching Harry with his own wand now pointing at the boy who lived.  

"You made a mistake rejecting me," the Alpha called out and Harry knew who it was.  The Slytherin colors came into vision the closer Vincent Crabbe got to Harry.  "I would've been a great mate to you, it was a perfect idea." Harry felt guilt twinge in chest.  All of the gay male Alphas for the last fifteen years had been choosing carrying on a bloodline over true happiness.  He'd been warned about this kind of reaction and desperation from Alphas, but he wasn't prepared for it yet. He felt bad for Vincent but couldn't give himself up to every Alpha who saw their only way out of misery through himself.  

   "Vincent, I know you're upset but this isn't the right way to fix how you feel," Harry coaxed out his wand still aimed but with a loosened grip. 

   "Shut up!"  Vincent yelled as he casted a mild stinging hex aimed for Harry. The limber Omega dodged the magic by dropping to the grass quickly. His wand flew out of his hand and landed near Vincent.  Harry cursed.  The dark-haired Omega got to his feet prepared and prepared to make a run for the castle but was stopped by a low growl coming from the forbidden forest.  Both boys' eyes snapped to the tree line as a huge all white wolf came into view.  It's coat reflected a silver cast in the moonlight as it came closer to Harry.  It's elongated teeth were barred and grey eyes gave the beast a regal whim to it.  Harry felt his heartbeat skyrocket again his chest as it passed him slowly.  The wolf's head came up to Harry's shoulder and as it walked past the boy its growling softened slightly.  When it stood in front of Harry with its back to him Vincent's expression grew even more confused.   Harry backed up slightly, his eyes scanning the ground for something to defend himself with.  A loud bark caused Harry to jump and squeal. It was directed at Vincent but it still caused a shiver to run down the Omega's spine. 

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