Down to the basment

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"Well, this was a total 'downer' heheheh" orange said laughing at himself, plum looked at him "every time you make a pun something bad happens to you or someone else right after orange" plum said. "Not true" orange replied "you sure?" Pear said bumping in right afterwards "cus remember that one time-"
* flash back *
Orange: don't be so down in he 'trunk' marshy
Marshy: heheh
* a tree branch falls right behind him *
Orange: AH * jumps away *
Marshy: 0-o
Time 2
Orange: taki, your 'flamin hot'
Taki: ppfff- * she drops her chips * my chips ;-;
Orange: oh
Time 3
Orange: come on I'm just 'parein around'
* dies in mordal comeback *
Orange: AGH-
* ends in flashback *
"Oh" orange said "I think little apple should go, it was his idea" grapefruit said, little apple was a little pissed. "HEY DONT THROW ME UNDER THE BUS!" Apple screamed "who's idea was it?" Orange asked "little apple" plum said and little apple looked at her pissed "who made it possible?" Orange asked "plum!" Apple Blurted out "who opened it?" Orange asked "marshmallow" plum and apple said synchronized "ok... if you asked someone else they of course would have said no sooo" plum looked at orange pissed "technically it's plums fault" plum got mad "is this revenge!?" She asked "you say revenge I say stopping an argument" Orange said smirking. Pear and grape fruit tried not to laugh "vote for plum?" Grapefruit asked and put his hands up and everyone else did. Plum looked at orange pissed "I didn't think that edgy orange was going to come back!" Plum screamed, pear, grapefruit, and little apple were confused "edgy what now?" Pear asked
Orange looked at plum with a frisk face and plum just stuck her tongue out "whatever, let's just get this over with" she mumbled and they both walk down the basement "how much do you wanna bet there going to start arguing?" Grapefruit said and little apple and Grapefruit started giggling
"Ok, be honest why did you want me down here. I know your not the kind to argue... anymore..." plum asked taking out her phone, Orange took out his phone and was getting on an app "i had a nightmare and I was wonderin what it met" Orange mumbled using a ghost app "oh, what was it about? And we're looking for a demon, not a ghost" plum stated "I know." Orange said moving around the basement "it was about... rejection"Orange said and the app beeped saying 'ghost detected' and the shadow looked tall, slim, inhuman like features, bony hands, and two small horns "oh that's creepy" plum said looking at orange phone and the ghost disappeared "I think it heard you" Orange said looking at plum and they felt a presence behind them, Orange out of instinct, turned behind him and accidentally punched a Vase and the vase fell to the floor and broke "OW OW OW OW OW! OOOOOHHHHHAH THAT HURTS" orange screamed out holding his hand, plum started to laugh hysterically "I see you still got that fight in you" she said still laughing. "You ok orange?!" Pear screamed from the top of the stairs and plum looked at Orange with the Lenny face. Orange blushed "y-yea I just accidentally punched something" Orange replied "w-how do you accidentally punch something?!" Little apple asked "I DONT KNOW ASK MY INSTINCTS!" Orange screamed back getting pissed "whatever, if you brake anything your paying it!" Little apple screamed back "the dream means lack of self-confidence, Worth, and the feeling of being a failure" plum said calming down and walked around the room looking for cold spots "oh..." orange mumbled and followed plum moving his phone around them " you still feel like that tho? Like how you felt back then?" Plum asked curiously, Orange was silent then lied "no, I think I'm good at pretty much everything" he said playing with his jacket, plum watched orange carefully then raised an eyebrow "orange orange orange, your the same. You play with your jacket or shirt when you lie" she said and felt something go through her and stood strait up and shivered. Orange looked at plum confused "what?" Plum didn't say anything and just stood there, Oranges phone said 'ghost detected' and looked at it, the same creature was there and his head turned to the side. Orange asked a question on the phone 'why are you here?' Then his phone got a response simply saying 'to steal' orange looked at plum "ask it again" plum said finally moving "mk" orange mumbled and asked 'to steal what?' His phone got a response saying "to steal Alfred J. Son" orange and plum just stared at the name. Plum looked at orange worried and orange felt anger bubbling up inside of him just by reading the name Alfred, his hand grip his phone tighter and his other Hand bottled up into a fist making his hand hurt then the ghost disappeared. Orange and plum stood there for what seen like hours then plum finally spoke "we should go..." orange silently nodded when they heard a sound, orange and plum looked to were the noise was and saw an old mirror hanging from the ceiling, Orange and plum looked at each other both visibly freaked out and slowly walked towards the mirror when orange phone died "dammit" orange mumbled and the mirror started swinging left and right. Plum put up both of her middle fingers "OH NO! No thank you!" Plum said laughing out of fear. Orange went up to the mirror and tried to grab it when the ghost appeared behind the mirror and whispers something, plum and oranges instincts came in and plum ran out of the basement while orange got into a fighting pose but followed him shortly after when he saw she ran away.
Plum got to the top tired and orange came right after and they both closed the door shut "what happened?!" Little apple asked "what did you see?" Grapefruit asked "what happened to your hand?" Pear said pointing and orange now red hand "one ghost happened, two I have no idea, and three The result of orange punching something" plum said breathing heavily orange looked at plum with angry eyes "you frickin left me!" Orange said and plum giggled still out of breath "it's every man for themselves down there"
-w- I finally finished yay!

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