Singing battle

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Little apple was freaking out "A DEMON! IN MY HOUSE" pear and plum looked at Apple annoyed "dude, we get it" Grapefruit said on his phone doing something "you've been freaking out for the past 10 minutes, cool it" Grapefruits said annoyed "how are you guys not freaking out?!" Apple said still scared "ive seen all kinds of ghost, I'm use to it" orange said sitting upsides own on the couch "I use to live with ghost back in texas" plum said writhing in a old note book "I'm freaking out on the inside" pear said crossing his legs. "Hey here's an idea, to get you from freaking out let's do a video on oranges channel" plum suggested "sure, what should we do?" Pear said honing in on the idea "hey, how about all of us sing?" Orange said Jokey "that's not a bad idea!" Marhmellow said eating a cosmic brownie "wut?" Orange asked confused, "I guess singing could help..." little apple mumbled "I've actually tried singing good for the past few days" Plum said nibbling on her pencil "alright, guess were singing. Nice one orange" pear said and got up
Orange got up "wait are you serious? I wasnt"
* a few minute latel *
Plum put her phone against the couch and started recording "AO! ITS ORANGE!" Orange screamed "and pear" pear said putting up a peace sign "and were with all of are frends? Say hi guys!" Orange said and everyone said hi "today we're going to be singing" plum said "and tell us witch is the best because this is a contest!" little Apple said smiling " the winner gets to have all of me, marshmallows, and plums stash of cookies, but I'm sure there all going to say I'm the best~" orange said with a cocky voice as plum looked sad in the background "yea we'll see about that" pear mumbled.
=first up, little apple=
Little apple glanced behind him to the basement with worry but sighed and looked back at the camera smiling "alright, I'll be singing FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE" orange and plum cheered "yay! Disney" plum said "older and better Disney two!" Orange said laughing "YAY!" Marshmellow screamed
As little apple singed the gang looked at eachother nodding there heads agreeing that little apple is good
=plums turn=
"Alrighty, I'll be doing heatherrrrr" she said rolling out the R, orange laughed "what heather song tho?" He asked "beautiful" plum said, orange and grapefruit clapped "you've seen heather?" Orange asked looking at grapefruit "eh, only heard the songs" plum snapped her fingers trying to be sassy "let me sing, plz"
As plum sang orange and pear looked at eachother shaking there head no wall grapefruit shrugged
=marshmallow turn=
"I'm going to be singing... friend like me" and giggled
Wall marshmallow sang orange and plum shrugged wall pear and grapefruit sook there heads, little apple put his thumbs up
=grapefruits turn=
"I'm going to sing don't mess with me by temposhark" orange, pear, and plum looked at eachother nervous
As grapefruit sang orange shook his hands mouthing no, plum and marshmallow put a thumbs up and pear and little apple looked at eachother questing the lyrics
=orange turn=
"I'm singing watch me! Is a Mao Mao song!" Plum gasped "the show has a song?!" Orange nodded "YEA! MAO MAO FOR LIFE!" Plum repeated orange  "and fuck his dad!" Orange covered his mouth wall plum and pear laughed "you slipped up orange" little apple said smiling "sorry! Just uh... edit that out or something... ok"
As Orange sang pear blushed feeling a warmth in his chest growing, plum pretended to cry because of the lyrics and the rest shook there head, little apple glanced at pear seeing his blush and started to question pears feelings about orange
=pears turn=
"All right, I watched the book of life and now I have a song stuck in my head and if I don't sing it it won't stop" orange looked at plum and plum looked away smiling "break a leg! also please watch the Steven Universe movie with me and plum!" Orange said smiling a little blush forming on his cheeks "fine I'll watch the movie" pear mumbled
Pear started singing 'I love you to much' and as he sang everyone was surprised by his voice, Orange heart skipped a beat, he felt butterflies in his stomach and his face was flushed with red. Orange felt hypnotized by pears voice thinking he's amazing
The gang looked at each other and nodded smiling 
When Pear finished everyone took a vote and plum wrote them down
"Alright the winner is..." plum paused for dramatic affect "PEAR! Please treat my cookies well~" she wined, pear snorted a little and went on camera "yay thanks" he said smiling

Finally i get this chapter done lol
Sorry the singing was out of nowhere but I couldn't think of anything else

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