You decide to ask Payton if he wanted to go on a walk.
Y/n: Hi Payton Good morning hope you had a good sleep I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk!? Bbyy🤧🥵🤤🌷❤️: Ya Hi Good morning to you to And yes I'd love to go on a walk with you :) ❤️ 🌷 Y/n: Ok amazing Umm meet me out in 30!? Bbyy🤧🥵🤤🌷❤️: Ok :) (Irl) You get ready all cute and stuff and ofc excited that your going on a walk with Payton. Mommmm Im going on a walk with a friend :) you say. Ok honey have fun Your mom replies. You walk outside and see Payton on your porch. Hi Y/n Payton says in a happy tone. Oh, hi Payton you say almost blushing but stop yourself by slapping yourself. Omg are you ok why did you slap yourself y/n! Payton says worried. Reasons, you say embarrassingly. Then you guys start to walk around and Payton's showing you some nice places.
(On the walk)
Wow Morsvile is nice Payton you say. Yeah, it really is and it's even better when your here Payton tells you. You start to blush, ARE you blushinggg Payton says. What nooo you say and do a friendly punch on his arm. You guys play fight and you end up falling bc your so light but then you realize their are arms holding you up so you don't fall. Woah you almost fell there heh Payton says still holding you. Yea, you say starting to get up from his arms. Ummm sooo, you say not knowing what to talk about. Ummm do you wanna go get some food Payton questions. Yea what do y- CHICK-FI-LA Payton cuts you off knowing what to get.
(At chick-fi-la)
After you guys order you both sit down to wait for the food. Umm you know you didn't have to pay, I have money to, you chuckle. Ya I know but I like paying, I like spoiling my friends Payton says. ORDER FOR 173! A chick-fi-la worker says. Oh that's us Payton says and grabs the food. You both sit down laugh a bit and ya all that stuff and then....
Y/n, i have a question but before I say this please don't let this ruin our friendship, Payton says. Don't worry it won't, you say. Ok, here it goes Payton say while touching your hand I know we have just met and all but I really like REALLY like you your amazing, funny, beautiful, and just the best person I have ever met so do you think I could call you mine!? Payton says worried. Payton, I love you and have always since the day we met but i don't think we should be in a relationship since I'm not happy myself so I can't be with you until I'm happy, hopefully that will be soon I never wanted to hurt your feelings I'd love to be friends until I can be happy for myself before i make more people sad to and i hope you understand. you say out of breath. oh yea I totally understand y/n Payton says sadly.
A/n: Ok tbh that was kinda sad but like if your not happy yourself don't give others sadness by being with them, love y'all :) ❤️🌷
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Idk why but I think I'm gonna start doin some quotes every chapter