Friends but more than besties chapter 8

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You both now sit in silence eating. Payton breaks the silence, soo um it looks like we're done with our food wanna go. Yea, you say. Hey, I'm sorry for ruining our day I'll stop bothering you he says sadly and leaves.

You catch up to him outside under a tree and grab his wrist making Payton jump a little. Oh it's just you he says. I really don't think we should ta- you cut him off by kissing him passionately. I'm sorry, I messed up, not you Payton, you say looking down. Payton lifts your chin up and says, it's fine y/n I know I shouldn't have asked that. You break the silence we should prob go home you say. ok, he replies.

At Payton's house

      Mommmmm Im home i brought a friend byyeeee Payton yells. Ok honey his mom replies. In Payton's room wow you have a nice room you say sitting on his bed. Ya, I try to keep it nice or update it often he says. Sooo whatcha wanna do you say. Hmmm, idk maybe you should shoot off a quick text to your mom and tell her your at a friends house and after that we could watch a movie Payton says. Sure!
Hey mom Im at a friends love ya
Birth giver ❤️:
Love ya to be home before dinner which is at 5:00 pm don't be late!
Ok byyyeee
You get in Payton's bed, Woww your bed is so soft! You say. IKR, anyways what do you wanna watch Payton questions? Umm horror movie idk why I like them but i just do ya know you say. Ya Payton says while putting on "Child of the Corn". You see blood and accidentally grab Payton's shirt and tug on it while putting your face in it. You like it down there? Payton chuckles. Oh sorry, I ju- Payton cuts you off, it's fine your cute when your scared. Oh,heh you say blushing while starting to cuddle into Payton and soon fall asleep.

Payton's POV:
      Y/n ends up falling asleep in my hoodie and she's honestly an amazing girl I could have never asked if she would dated me but of course dumbass me DID. I mean I don't even know if she has had a horrible past with any guy(s). We also met yesterday sooo I shouldn't have asked anything. I look at y/n and kiss her forehead hopefully she doesn't feel it because we aren't even dating. I grab her phone and text her mom.
Hi this is y/n's friend she fell asleep maybe do you think she can spend the night!?
Birth giver ❤️:
Oh, hi umm yes that will be fine thank you for the notice
Oh no problem
I put y/n's phone back and fall asleep cuddling into her also. I love you y/n you say.
You see her smile I don't know if it was me or one of her dreams haha!

Y/n's POV:

      I wake up and see Payton cuddling into me I calmly grab my phone. OH SHIT you yell I GOTTA GO! I accidentally wake up Payton. Are you ok y/n he asks NO I GOTTA GO ITS 7PM I HAD TO GO AT 5PM! You yell. Woah woah calm down I delt with it I texted your mom she said you can sleepover Payton says. Oh, you say getting back into the bed calming down. Do you want something more comfy to sleep in Payton questions. Umm ya you reply. He pulls out two hoodies. Which one you want? Payton asks.
(The hoodies)

(The hoodies)

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Umm black champion you say smiling

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Umm black champion you say smiling. He tosses it to you and you go into the bathroom to change into it but it's so big it goes past your thys onto your kneecaps so you take off all your clothes except for your bra and panties. You come out with the hoodie on and start to put your hair in a messy bun. (y/n is NOT a Vsco girl she just happens to wear scrunchys)

Sorry for not posting much but it doesn't even matter no one even reads my stuff anymore 😔

Word count:

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