Chapter Five

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     The sun was breaking through the curtains in narrow strips, landing across my face. I stretched my arms above my head trying to rub the stiffness out of my bones. My hand slid across the sheets in search of Tony. Last night's sleep had been anything but restful and I'd reached out for him a few times to already find him awake. My hand ran across the sheets, coming up empty. The bed was still warm, Tony had just left. I pushed myself up on my elbows, glancing around the room for any sign of Tony. There was nothing that suggested where Tony had gone. My eyes scanned the room until they landed on the door. We left the door open in case Vivienne needed to come in, but the door was almost completely closed. I pushed the covers off me and crossed the room. I collected my sweater off the hook behind the door. The hallway was bright with sunlight spilling in from every window. Hushed voices spilled down the hallway.

     "-he wakes up, don't tell her where I've gone. Just tell her I've been called into an important meeting-"

     "Meeting for what?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall. Tony and Happy both looked over at me, caught off guard. Neither heard me appear in the hallway. Happy looked from me to Tony then down at the floor. Tony glanced at me before looking at his feet guiltily. I pushed myself off the wall and strode across the room until I stood right in front of him. I tilted my head to the side, "meeting for what Tony?" Tony's jaw flexed and he let out a heavy breath.

     "Fury's called an emergency meeting to discuss Killian's threat level," Tony said finally. I clenched my jaw to keep from saying anything. I nodded a few times, trying to calm myself down. 

     "When?" I asked. Tony looked up at me finally. 

     "Now," he confessed. I uncrossed my arms and dropped them to my sides. 

     "Well let's go then." I looked over at Happy who was standing in his spot, awkwardly, "Watch Vivenne till we get back." He nodded, walking toward a chair nearest to the mouth of the hallway. I turned and made my way toward the elevator. 

     "Sweetheart, you can't go," Tony said, trotting after me. The doors slid open for me as I neared it. I turned and waited for Tony to catch up. As soon as he crossed the threshold, the doors slid shut. 

     "Too bad," I said simply, crossing my arms again. The elevator started to move without either of us pressing a button. 


     "I'm going Tony. You can't stop me," I said, cutting him off. I stared straight ahead at the door in front of me, not willing to argue with Tony. He stepped around me until he stood directly in front of me. My eyes flicked up to his face, setting my face in determination. 

     "Honey, you should go back upstairs. You shouldn't ha-"

     "Quit telling me what I should and shouldn't do Tony. She's my child too," I shot, annoyance lacing through my entire body. 

      "I understand," he said. 

     "Then don't tell me I can't go into the conversation about the man who threatened my baby," I said firmly. His jaw flexed and he nodded finally. 

     "You're right," he said quietly. I dropped my arms and looked up at him. My fingers wrung in front of me. 

     "You don't think he'd do anything to Viv, do you?" I asked, my voice quietly. Tony took my hands in his and pulled them into his chest. 

     "I don't know. But I know that I won't let hurt you or Viv," Tony assured me. The elevator doors slid open behind Tony. We both hesitated a moment before Tony turned and pulled my hand into his. He led me down the long, deserted hallway. The wall was lined with doors, every one of them shut tight. Tony stopped finally in front of one of the doors. He gave my hand a quick squeeze before pushing the door open. Every eye was on us as we walked into the room. I could feel their eyes lingering on me. Tony pulled the chair out for me and ushered me into it before taking a seat next to me. I crossed my leg and glanced around the table.

     "So nice of you to join us this morning," Fury said curtly. I glanced back at him.

     "So nice of you to invite me," I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest. Fury's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before gliding around the table.

      "Who can tell me anything on Aldrich Killian?" Fury asked.

     "Killian is a scientific genius. He's created Advanced Idea Mechanics, AIM, as a research and development firm. It's funded by the US government. He works in congestion with Dr. Maya Hansen to created Extremis," Natasha stated. 

     "Extremis?" Tony asked from next to me. I glanced over at him, knitting my brows together. All eyes shifted to Tony. 

     "Stark?" Fury started. 

     "It's someone Killian said to me at the party. He was talking about the success of the virus that he helped create that uses nanotechnology to allow the human body to heal and regenerate itself physically and psychologically." As Tony talked, Natasha began tapping into the screen on the table in front of her. A screen appeared at the center of the table. Nat tapped a few more buttons before an image flashed up on the screen.  I squinted up at the screen, trying to read what the screen said. 





     Tony jerked forward, his hand flying to my arm. Something about this video had him agitated. He knew this video. He started to say something but I was too focused on the video to hear him. Four cameras took over the screen, showing the different angles of a basement warehouse. Several people in uniform gray shorts and sports bras were being led into the room by nurses in scrubs. These nurses lead each person to an apparatus, where they were strapped in. Killian's voice flowed through the speakers while all this was happening. 

     "-efore we start, I want you to look back at your life. There will be nothing as bitter as the memory of that glorious risk you prudently elected to forgo," with all the people strapped in, the nurses began injecting the IV with a mysterious liquid. I leaned forward to try and get a better look. 

     "Sweetheart, you don't wanna watch this," Tony started but I ignored him. I was too intrigued to figure out what this was all about. 

     "-ay is your glory. Let's begin!" The camera panned to redheaded woman. As the syringe was plunged into her, an orange glow spread up from her center chest. Sparks started to fly around her, almost like she was on fire. She squeezed her eyes tight and let out pained moans. Tony's hand appeared on my arm. 

     "Honey, I'm serious," Tony muttered urgently. The camera panned down to her body where she was missing her left arm. Except her arm was growing back. It looked like her arm was being created from molten lava being molded where her arm used to be. I watched, hypnotized. No matter how much I wanted to look away, I couldn't. She screamed out in pain, making me jump back. The man directly next to her screamed, bringing all the attention to him. His entire chest was glowing orange. His ribcage and sternum were visible from whatever was glowing inside him. He was screaming in agony, clearly what ever they'd done to him was excruciating. Everything that happened next, happened all at once. Killian appeared in frame, examining the poor man. He demanded that everyone get out of the room as the man began to completely glow orange. He opened his mouth and it was like the sun was inside him. Tony leaned forward, his arm wrapping around my shoulder. His hand came around my eyes to block out what happened next. The man glowed brighter and brighter until at the last moment before Tony covered my eyes, the man exploded. I gasped, jolting back into Tony's arm. The image was was seared into my mind, no matter what I did. But then a more disturbing thought that entered my brain. I turned to face Tony, my hands pulling his down away from my eyes. He was watching me carefully, concern lacing every feature in this face. My fingers wrapped around his hand, my body shaking with fear. 

     "Tony, if he can do this, what can he do to Vivienne?" my voice was shaking as fear crept into every nerve in my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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