Love Him?!

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Our conversation was interrupted by my phone ringing. I looked at it and it was my dad.
-Sorry, I have to take this...- I said, standing up from the couch.
-Don't worry- He said with a smile.
So I opened the call.
-Where are you, Shina?-
-I'm at a friend's house-
-Well, it's almost dinner time, you better come back...- He didn't sound happy, he was probably mad that I left like that without saying where I was going.
-Yeah, don't worry, I'm coming...-
-Okay, bye-
-Bye dad- And I hung up.

-You have to go?- Jungkook asked, standing up as well.
-Yeah, I'm sorry...- I said, a bit sad.
-It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow at school...- He said with a smile, that beautiful smile of his.
-Okay, then see you tomorrow...- I said and I pecked his lips rapidly before going to the door.
When I turned back to wave at him, his expression was priceless. He was still standing where I left him, with his eyes wide open in shock, probably my goodbye kiss took him by surprise. It actually took me by surprise too, I didn't think I was the type to enjoy this kind of stuff. I waved and then open the door and left.

For the whole walk back home I had a stupid smile on my face. It was ridiculous. A week earlier I was making fun of my cousin for being like that and now I was the one doing it.
I mean, I thought I wasn't a lovey dovey, playful, romantic kind of person, but I guess we learn new things about ourselves every day.

Once I got home, not even my dad's lecture could take me down. After he was done telling me that I have to say where I go when I leave the house and we finished our dinner, I went to my room to call Yuna. We spent a good three hours on the phone talking about me being so happy for how it went with Jungkook and her being so sad that she can't be with me in "such an important moment in my life" as she called it. Then we also talked about her and Chris, she said that their long distance relationship was going good, they were calling each other everyday to talk about how their day went, to feel closer. So sweet!

When I realized it was getting late for me to stay up, since I had school the next day, I said bye to Yuna and hung up. Then I went to bed, still with the smile on my face. But then I remembered something, well actually someone. Justin. How is he gonna take this? Not well, probably. I needed to think of something to convince him. To explain to him that it was possible for us to be together and that he doesn't have to think that he's sharing me with someone else. I just didn't understand why he was always so mad at Jungkook. They despise each other so much. I couldn't imagine how he could have gotten to that point. The point where his two halves are literally two different people and they hate each other. His mother's loss must have played a huge role into this situation. After all it was a thing between him and his mother to blame the so-called Justin for Jungkook's bad behavior. Losing her must have broken him. Literally.
That night was the first time I had stopped and thought about it and I felt stupid to not have thought about it earlier. I acted like there was something wrong with him, I always blamed him for confusing me without even thinking it through. I felt horrible. I mean, I really meant it when I told him that I wanted all of him, whoever he wanted to be, but I probably didn't act like it. I needed to show him that it's ok to be whoever he wants with me. Whether he wants to be Jungkook or Justin, I'll accept it and I'll love him.
Wait what?! Love him? Did I just think that?! No, I didn't! I did, didn't I? Oh fuck me!

I ended up falling asleep with these thoughts in mind. The next day, the alarm woke me up and I got ready for school.
When I got there, everyone was already in front of the gates. I felt weird while getting closer to my group of friends, knowing that Jungkook and I were basically together. I didn't even think if it was a good idea to tell our friends or not. Well, guess it's too late to think about it...

-Shina! You're finally here!- Hoseok greeted me as soon as he saw me getting closer.
-Hey guys...- I said awkwardly, trying not to look in Jungkook's direction, not to be obvious.
-What the hell did you do this weekend? I didn't hear anything from you, sister...- Soojin said, giving me a hug.
It had actually been a hell of a weekend, that's why I forgot to text my friends, but I couldn't tell them half of what happened, so I just apologized and smiled.
Luckily it was already time to get to class, so they didn't have the chance to investigate more.
While we were going towards our class, Soojin was chatting with Namjoon about the history test and Seokjin and Hoseok were exchanging their best jokes, so Jungkook and I were left behind. Together.
I glanced at him and smiled.
-Hi- He whispered.
God, I missed his voice! For God's sake, Shina, you have literally talked to him last night! What's wrong with you?
-Hi...- I said back, feeling like a twelve year old talking to her crush for the first time.
-Did you sleep well?- He asked, trying to fill the silence between us.
-Yeah... Well, I just... I was thinking about Justin and...-
I stopped talking because I heard him huff.
-What?- I asked, confused.
-No, nothing, just... I guess I just expect something else... Never mind...-
I wanted to ask more but we got to our class and after a few seconds the teacher got there too, so I had to leave my questions for later.

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