The Freaks And The Geeks

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I always thought school was boring and I keep thinking that way. I don't think it will ever change. I just can't see how people enjoy listening to someone talking for hours about stuff that's already written into books. This doesn't mean I don't get good grades, because when I go home I study a lot both because I enjoy learning stuff and to make my parents happy. Studying is not the worst, going to school is. Only my friends make it better. I don't have many, just a few, I'm not really that good at socializing. I met Hoseok and Soojin the first year of high school. We had the same problem with paying attention to the teachers and that's one of the reasons why we got close and we always get in trouble together.

One day, around the beginning of the last year of high school, Hoseok came running, while Soojin and I were chatting at the gates of hell (that's how we called our school's gates).
-Girls, I made new friends- he said, looking so proud.
Soojin and I looked at each other and then started to laugh in his face.
-Seokie, if you go and do something stupid and people laughs at you doesn't mean that they became your friends- I told him.
-No, no, this time is for real! I was early for once so I went into the classroom. There were three guys, you know the ones that you always laugh about, because they are so interested when the teacher speaks?-
-You mean the three geeks?- I asked him, getting curious about where the story was going.
-Yes, them! Well, as I usually do with everyone, I tried to make them laugh and they actually did...-
-Hoseok, I told you, that doesn't mean...-
-No, wait, let me finish. So after that we started talking and they are actually pretty cool. I mean, as cool as a nerd can be. One of them says really funny jokes! Like, you have to hear them, they are so good! There was something about a cow and a law suit, but I can't remember... Anyway, I told them that we could spend the lunch break together!-
-Wow, sounds cool- Soojin said, sarcastically, -have fun!-
-No, girls, I mean all together! You're coming too!-
-What?- Soojin and I both said at the same time.
-Seokie, I love you and everything, but you know we don't have anything in common with them- I told him, trying to make him change his mind, even if I already knew he was gonna beg until we said yes.
-Girls, pretty please- he started, doing that face that he thinks is cute but really isn't. -I never ask you for anything, do I? And I'm probably the best friend in the world... Will you do this for me?- He kept saying, using a toddler's voice.
Soojin and I looked at each other and we agreed with our eyes.
-Ok, Hoseok- we both said.
It's not like he convinced us or anything, but the last time we kept saying no, he actually got on his knees and started fake crying, making us feel so embarrassed. So this time we chose to avoid this scenario.
-Yaaay! I love you girls, have I already told you how much I love you?! Because I really do, like you have to believe me, I probably love you more than my mom, I'm not even joking, like you know how much I love my mom, but you guys, like...-
We decided to stop him before anyone else could hear him.
-Yeah, we love you too, Seokie, let's go to class- I told him, which finally made him stop rambling about his love for us.

During lesson, I saw Hoseok waving at the three geeks a few times but they were so immersed into the teacher's explanation that they barely responded to him. Hoseok didn't really mind it, but I was actually laughing inside.
Us, friends with them? There's just no way that can happen. I mean, I'm not saying that people that are different can't be friends, but there's a limit. Like what would we talk about? I overheard their conversations a few times and they literally only talk about lessons and studying. I mean how boring!

It was lunch time. Which meant it was time to meet the enemy. I mean, it's not like I consider them my enemies. I don't really care about how people spend their time, they're free to do whatever they want, but I already knew it was going to be so boring having lunch with them, even though Hoseok said they were cool and funny.

-You ready, girls?- Hoseok said, while we were heading to the cafeteria.
-You mean ready to die from boredom?- Soojin said, basically reading my mind.
-Girls, just don't be so prejudiced. I know they are not exactly our style, but they are the weird ones just like us... In a different way, but still... I bet we're gonna get along just fine...-
Sometimes Hoseok surprises me. He acts so silly all the time, but he is actually really wise and mature for his age. He just doesn't want to admit it because he likes to be a kid.
-As always, you're right, Seokie... We're going to try our best to be friends with them, right Soojin?- I said, looking at my friend with long red hair.
-Of course, anything for you, Seokie!- she said, smiling sweetly to our best friend.

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