Kailyn Dean has been acting since she was 11 years old. Never did she catch romantic feelings towards her on screen love interest but this time it's different. There's a spark between the two actors and they both can tell.
(A\N: I know her head looks weird I'm sorry about it.)
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986.1k likes | 9.2k comments @loganpaul: Our down time consists of running lines and mini photoshoots.
~~~ 12 PM ~~~
So Logan and I just received intel that the pool is 39 degrees...
We're trying to prepare ourselves for the scene by warming up inside the house we're shooting at and sharing a hot chocolate.
I sat on the kitchen counter as Logan stood between my legs, his back towards me.
I had the blanket we were given wrapped around the two of us while I rested my head on his shoulder.
Logan filmed a bit of the behind the scenes for his vlog while we waited.
"Look who we got here." Logan brought his vlog camera to my face.
"Hi." I smiled while lifting my head up slightly so I was in frame of his vlog.
"Kaye, tell the Logang what we're doing tonight." He rubbed my leg with his other hand, under the blanket, to warm me up.
Oh god here we go again...
Why does this boy make me feel this way?
"We're jumping in a pool that is about forty degrees while it's currently fifty three degrees outside." I said with fake enthusiasm making Logan chuckle.
"Basically we're gonna be sick tomorrow." Logan added before picking up our hot chocolate to take a drink.
"I'm only on set for about two hours tomorrow so I'll live."
"Why only two hours?"
"I don't have a scene to film. We're just taking pictures to set up in your character's room and in our school lockers."
"What's your call time?" Logan asked as I took the drink from his hand.
"Four to six." I answered before taking a sip.
"You should stay until I get off at eight."
"We'll see."
Right then we were cut off by the sliding glass door, that lead to the backyard, opening.
"We're ready for you guys." A producer came in to get us.
"Let's do this thing." Logan stepped forward, setting his camera down to get an angle of him helping me off the counter.
He grabbed my waist as I slid myself off the counter.
"Wish us luck Logang." I ran up to the camera, my face inches away, before stepping out of frame.
Logan laughed before shutting the camera off.
We walk outside getting hit by the wind, instantly eliminated the heat we created to try and keep ourselves warm.
"Fuck it let's get this over with." I took the blanket off, running over to our markers at the steps.
Logan ran close behind, laughing at me.
We can do this is all one shot but we have to run the first part a couple of times before we can actually jump in the pool.
Michael called action and we started the scene.
(A\N: I know this isn't the scene but it shows part of the scene in it so I just put in the clip. Enjoy)
I lead Logan up the steps to the backyard with a flashlight in my hand.
"Ellie, where are we?"
"Shh, it's a secret." I shushed Logan, taking his hand in mine.
"Come on-"
I cut off Logan, quieting him once more as we made it to the top of the steps.
"Oh my god, Ellie we shouldn't be doing this." Logan smiled as we walked over to the deep end of the pool.
"Calm down...just live a little." I walked backwards to our marked spots, laughing quietly.
Logan looks at the pool then back at me, his smile not dropping once.
"Did you bring a bathing suit?" Logan watches me kick off my shoes.
"No." I smirk at him while I bend down to pull off my socks.
We both laugh as I reach for the bottom of my dress, scrunching it up so it's easier to pull off over my head.
Logan bites his lip and I might I add it was hot.
He begins to strip down, joining me as I toss my dress to the side.
I walk over to the edge where the pool begins, looking back at Logan.
Wow he looks good- Stop it Kaye! He's your co-star!
"Come on." I go to jump, stopping the scene there so we can run this part over again.
We run it again two more times before we get the signal where we're good to jump in.
"Come on." I smile at Logan before doing a cannonball into the pool.
The cold water shocks my body, as I resurface slicking my hair back.
IT'S FREEZING but I manage to keep my cool.
I turn around just in time to see Logan dive into the pool.
"Holy shit." He comes up out of the water and we're done with the scene.
Quickly we climb out of the pool to have four people ready with towels to warm us up.
We make our way inside to the heated bathroom and step in the warm shower that they had ready for us.
"That was terrible." I shiver as the hot water hits my body.
"It wasn't that bad." Logan let me hog the warm water.
"You're joking right."
"I could do it again."
Show off...
~~~ A\N Not super happy with this chapter but I don't know how I can make it better. Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment.