Chapter 2 - The Order of the Pheonix - Who is Siria White?

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"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible."

The morning sun rose over the number 12 Grimmauld Place and the residents of the house woke up groggily. Well, all except Remus and Sirius who didn't sleep at all during the night. 

"BREAKFAST!" Molly hollered up the stairs. 

Sirius sighed from his position on his bed as he studied the picture one last time before replacing it back into its right full spot in the photo album. He stood, gently closing the book and placing it on his nightstand. Exiting the room he slowly wandered down the stairs where the rest of the Order were sitting waiting for breakfast to be served by the wonderful Molly Weasley.

"Oh, there you are Sirius. I was beginning to think that you wouldn't be joining us for breakfast." She said with a smile as she bustled back into the kitchen to prepare another plate for him. Sirius didn't say anything, he barely acknowledged the fact that she was speaking. He just wandered into the room, his head bowed, moving towards his seat at the head of the table. Flopping down back into the chair, he seemed to sink as far as possible into the backrest gaze pointing towards the ceiling as he stared at the roof, lost in thought.

It was at that moment that Molly returned with his plate. "Thanks." He muttered quietly before quickly eating the food and leaving the room again. This time though he was not alone in doing so.

In their curiosity, the Golden Trio and the Weasley Twins had followed Sirius out of the room. They watched as he entered his room, before quickly exiting with something tucked beneath his arm. It looked like a book but they weren't sure. He wandered back down the stairs and onto the first floor quickly disappearing into one of the rooms, the Lounge room. The children followed him, not noticing that they themselves had a shadow by the name of Remus Lupin.

He had been watching both the kids and his best friend, knowing that they were going to ask lots of questions about Siria. He had followed them for 2 reasons. 1, to help out his friend if anything happened to push him too far. His other reason was that he himself didn't know much about her past before coming to Hogwarts. And in truth, he was as intrigued as they were. So the little troop followed the black-haired man into the room.

Sirius had known the group would follow him. It was obvious from the way they were looking at him when he was eating breakfast and the way that they had followed him up and back down the stairs when he was collecting Siria's scrapbook. He reclined into the couch, the book resting on his lap with his hands clamped around it, as he waited for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Remus and anyone else who wanted to listen to enter the room.

He waited there a few minutes before the first head popped into the open doorway. Or should I say 2 heads? As it was Fred and George, the trouble-making duo who did everything together. Well, almost everything. It reminded him of the times where the Marauders were that close, and still alive. Now it was only Remus and Sirius left. If you could say what the remainder of his broken soul and spirit that was left was alive. He himself felt empty without Siria around. He felt as if there was only half of him left, that there would never be a happy day ever again without her by his side and he knew it was true. She was his soulmate. Nothing would ever be the same without her. He may smile and laugh but they would never be as true or as happy as they were when she was alive, even more so when she was by his side.

Sirius was reminded of where he was when Remus punched him in the shoulder as he sat down. He glanced around the room noticing that everyone was now sitting in the room looking at the 2 Marauders, including most of the adults. All of them in fact, well apart from the ones that had to go back to work.

"I suppose you're all in here to find out more about Siria," Sirius muttered, looking around the room with an eyebrow raised, although his voice broke slightly at her name. There were a few mutters that went around, but most nodded. Sirius sighed. "Very well, but don't expect me to get through it without tears."

Remus chuckled. "If you did I would be very surprised. She was your soulmate after all."

"Oh shut it Moony," Sirius grumbled, nudging his friend's shoulder, before looking down at the book in his lap and sighing. A single tear drifted down his face and splashed upon the cover. This seemed to create a reaction with the book. As the tear touched to cover instead of plashing it seemed to melt into it, plant-like patterns seemed to swirl around the book, emitting a silver-blue light, the same as a Patronus'. Everyone's eyes went straight to the book.

"What's happening?" Ginny asked, her gaze unwavering as if she thought she would miss something if she dared to close her eyes.

"I ... I ... I don't know." Sirius stuttered as the light in the book started to break away from the confines of the page and started to drift through the air into the centre of the room. It was there that the vines disappeared into a large ball of light. A large ball of light that was rapidly reforming into a shape. The shape of a dog, the very same as Sirius' but female.

"Siria's Patronus," Remus uttered as the dog ran around the room, its feet gliding gracefully through the air.

Sirius couldn't help himself. He took his wand and murmured the words, "Expecto Patronum," and for the first time since Siria's death, a wispy silver-blue dog bounded out of his wand. The dog immediately ran towards its counterpart, and they started to play. They tumbled, rolled and played unnecessary games of tag all over the room. The yips and barks made all in the room laugh and gave all the present Marauders a nostalgic feeling.

"They act just like you two did at school. Always playing, randomly knocking each other over and picking each other up and constant unnecessary games of tag in the hallways between classes. You even used to let your Patronus' play like they are when you were in our dorm." Remus spoke, his eyes glazed as if he was not in the present moment. Sirius just stared at the two dogs as they played a soft smile on his lips. They watched for a few more moments before Sirius opened his mouth to speak, his eyes never leaving the two dogs as they round housed across the room.

"I first met her when I was 6 years old..."

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