Chapter one

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The sun was covered by the clouds, creating an eerie setting on the days events. The wind was blowing just enough that Rosaline had to put her hair in a tight ponytail on top of her head. Sitting in her car looking at this giant building, she couldn't tell that today wasn't like any other day. When she woke up, she did everything normal. Everything she has been doing for the past five years. So why would today be any different? Exactly, today was a normal day. Well, that's what she thought.

Rosaline looked down at the newspaper clippings she had brought with her of the place. One titled "HELP WANTED" in all bold. Under this it had a small description of the job and what requirements were to be met to be even considered for the job.

1. A Nun

She thought for a second on this. She didn't consider herself as a nun and had never gone through the whole process for becoming a nun, but she did go to church every Sunday. That's good enough, right?

2. Not married

Rosaline didn't need to think about that one, there definitely was no ring on her finger.

3. Clean criminal record

Done and done.

She looked back up at the large building that blocked the small amount of light shining in-between the thick clouds. Leafless trees lined the edges of the building, giving away the presence of autumn and the winter months ahead.

Rosaline took in a quick breath and clutched her door handle. A breeze blew the edge of her coat the moment her foot touched the cement. A shiver slithered down her spine as she cursed the weather for the tenth time today. Nothing could bring her mood down like cold weather could. It just held that special place in her heart, the way bottom that is.

As she walked up the steps people passing by would glance her way but didn't stop for second to wonder why she was entering the crazy house. They probably just thought she was there to admit herself to the horrors of the building, who knows with how crazy the world is. Rosaline stopped at the large wooden doors. These doors were the only thing standing in between her and the best or the worst decision of her life. There was no telling which one it was until she went for it, so she pushed open the right door with a loud creaking sound.

When she walked in there was an instant chill that covered her body. It was almost like inside was colder then outside. But it wasn't. It was defiantly warmer inside this building, it was just the atmosphere that brought chills to her body. There was a front desk with a woman sitting behind it. She was wearing a white hat with a completely white dress on.

Rosaline quickly rushed over to the desk, there was a guy sitting in the corner staring at her and he did not sit well in her consensus. The lady looked up when she approached the desk. Rosaline smiled at the lady only to receive a scowl back.

"Hello, um I'm here for the job?" Rosaline spoke like she was asking a question, which is not what she wanted. She wanted to sound like she knew what she wanted. The lady didn't really seem to notice, or just didn't care and nodded then pointed to the stairs on the right.

"Just go up there and take the first door on the left," She quickly dismissed Rosaline and went back to whatever paper work she was doing. Rosaline nodded to herself and thanked the lady at the desk, taking note of the 'great' hospitality this place had. She turned around to walk towards the stairs but was immediately stopped when she came face to face with a guy. Rosaline sucked in a deep breath as the man started to speak in gibberish, most of which she couldn't pick up on except for a few frases like "He knows your here" and "He won't stopping screaming".

The man had tremendously bad breath and only had a few teeth left that had turned a dark yellow. He roughly grabbed hold of Rosaline's shoulders and pulled her closer as his talking turned into yelling, then screaming. Much to Rosaline's relief, the man's long white hair was yanked back and he fell to the ground. There was two bulky men with white gloves and white doctor uniforms on that were dragging the man slowly across the room, then past a door into hallway where his screams slowly got quieter until they were no longer heard.

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