Carson Jordan

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Hey loves!! I just have to say... Please.


please!!! tell me if you like my story or not!!!! tell me!!! i love your opinions so... yeah!! enjoy the second chapter of Unbendable.


Chapter 2:

As I made my way to P.E., I bumped into a super, super, super hot guy.... I think he's new..

"Hey! My name is Emma and are you new here?" I said surprisingly with a lot of confident.

"Yeah! I'm new.  My name is Carson. Carson Jordon. It would be a great pleasure if this beautiful girl would escort me to my next class." the super times 3 hot guy said. Hmmmmm.... Carson.... I like that name...

"Um... Emma? Emmmmaaaaaa!!! WAKE UP!!!" Carson said while jumping up and down. 

"Yes?" I snapped out of my daydream.

"Escort me?" he said anxiously.

"Sure, what your next class?"


"Me too!" my eyes widen with excitement.

"Well, hotstuff, let's get going."Carson said with a wink.


"OK EVERYONE CHANGE, GO GO GO!!!" Mr. Booth tooted the whistle 3 times.

"Angel, I'll race you." Carson said," I bet you I'm going to win."

I fast walk to the locker room, changed, and fast walked out.

I got there first. Only Mr. Booth and I were standing there. 

"Miss Blues, since you're out here the earliest, would please go to the basketballs out of the supply room?" Mr. Booth said while shuffling some papers around.

I fast walked to the supply room and grabbed the basketball bag, and ran back out. Sadly Carson was there.

"I WAS HERE 1ST!!" Carson 'whispered" to me.

"NOO. Buddy you got that wrong. Ask Mr. Booth." I said back with a attitude.

"Fine. I will. Mr. BOOOOOTTTTTHHHH!!!! Was Emma here before me?" Carson yelled dramatically.

"Yes Mr. Jordon."Mr.Booth said without looking up from his papers.

"HAHAHA! I told-" I was cut off.

"Hey bitch. stealing some people's future boyfriends, are you?"Carson turned around.  When he saw Stacia and Brianna, his eyes widen and jaw drop. I turned away from Carson and grabbed a basketball and started to shoot hoops. 

Bank shot.

Snap a three-pointer

A beautiful layup

Free throw

Jump shot.

After all the shoots, Mr. Booth tooted his whistle to get everyone's attention. 

"Look at Emma's perfect arch and the way she puts a foot in front of the other to balance out her body so she won't tip over if someone pushes. Not shove. Push. Emma, give us another chance to see your moves." Mr. Booth said proudly. This is why I love P.E.

Bank shot.  Do not miss

Snap a three-pointer. Carson is watching.

A beautiful layup. Stacia is watching.

Free throw. Brianna is watching.

Jump shot. The whole class is watching.

I made every single one. I was proud of myself to not miss a shot. Maybe I'll earn a spot in the basketball team.

I heard a slow clapping. I turned around. It was Carson with a smile that looks like he won a million dollars. 

"Ok, kids lets shoot some hoops." Mr. Booth tooted.

A few minutes passed......

"Lads and Gals, go change! GO GO GO!


The annoying bell finally rang. I dashed out, but was held back by Carson.

"What class do you have next?" He asked hopefully.

"Math with Pahl. Why?" I asked.

"I have her too!" he said with eyes that was wide open and his mouth was just.. It can't be e

"Let me see your schedule." I look and saw this: (bold is Carson the slanted is Emma)

Period 1: P.E.

 Period 1 :P.E

Period 2: Math

Period 2: Math

Period 3: English

Period 3: English

Period 4 : Biology

Period 4: Biology

Period 5: History

Period 5: History

Period 6: Art

Period 6: Art

Ok not only we had the same schedule, we earned a lot of stares. That's when I freaked out and screamed.

Out of nowhere, Luke came storming at me. 

He whispered angrily," What happen? Did this new kid hurt you?"


What will happen next? i cant wait!!! 

<3, Shauna 

PS carcar stands for Carson

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