Part 2- Butterflies

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I woke up on cloud 9. But I didn't even know him. He was a stranger yet so familiar.

I've never had a boyfriend before.

Wait, I don't even know if he wants to be my boyfriend. He could just want to get in my pants.

Of all the girls in the club, why me?

I'm ripped out of my thoughts when I feel a sharp knew in my side. I turn my head to see Kara drooling on my pillow enjoying her rest as she continues to assault me with her knees.

I get tired of her knees association with my ribs. I slowly lift her knee, careful not to wake her up, and continue to roll as she falls off of the bed.

Her eyes open as she passes the threshold of my mattress. I put on a fake concerned look as I pretend to reach out to help her.

I smile contently at myself as I turn over. Just in time to miss her standing up and glaring at me?

I cover my face with the pillow so she wouldn't see me smiling at my actions.

"I don't like you" she spat.

That just caused me to laugh even more as I roll over to look at her. "What?" I hold my chest and fake hurt. " I tried to catch you. I just wasn't quick enough."

She takes one last glance at me before she grabs her personal bag and walks into my bathroom.

Still smiling I turn over to my phone and instantly smile at what I see.

-Good Morning Wifey. I
hope you don't have a

- Good Morning. I did have
a slight headache but its
better now. Thanks for
checking on me.

- Thats good. I wonder
what made that headache
better👀. Do you have
anything planned for
tonight. Well, other than
going on a date with me?

The audacity of him.

- Well I was not made
aware of this date. I actually
have A pretty packed
schedule for today.

- Nothing that can't be
rescheduled. I think
I'm more important than
anything you had planned.
Don't you think?

-Since you want to know
what I think. I think
That your crazy.
Crazy to think
I'm going to cancel
My plans at the last minute
For a stranger that I just met.

- If you meant that
you wouldnt still have me
saved as hubby in your phone.

- I can only assume that I'm
correct since I didn't get a
response from you lol.
I'll pick you up at 7.
Wear something nice.😘


What else could I say but Ok?

He was right. I even woke up thinking about him. Which was strange for me because I never let anyone get into my head like that.

Don't get me wrong, plenty of guys have tried to get me to go out with them but I never could push myself to do it. I never felt a spark so I never wasted my time.

But Damen. Damen had me seeing fireworks before he even uttered a single word.

"What are you cheesing so hard at?" Kara asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

I pull my gaze away from my phone to look at her. " Oh ah nothing"

"I don't know what's more offensive. The fact that you choose to lie to your best friend. Or the fact that you would think I'm dumb enough to believe you."

Before I knew it she snatched my phone out of my hand and ran into the bathroom.

I didn't even wastet time getting out of bed because she already locked the door.

I hear the bathroom door unlock and out comes Kara with a mischievous grin on her face.

By now I'm standing in the middle of my room with my arms folded sending her daggers withy eyes.

" What did you do?" I sneer at her.
"Just know I got payback for you pushing me off of the bed this morning." She smiled.

"Who is this "Hubby" of yours anyways? And why do I not know about him?"

"Well, if you didn't just walk away and leave me last night, you would have noticed that I almost died when I fell walking into the club."

"What" she says as she doubles over laughing and I roll my eyes at her.

" As I was saying, he caught me and then he slipped me his number. "

"That's cute!"

"Then he came through to clear the club out and he saw me. He offered me a ride home because the PERSON I came with was too drunk to function" I whisper yelled. "

"Ahhhh?? Where's my car?" She screams as she runs to the window. Becoming more frantic when she noticed her car wasn't outside.

It was my turn to laugh.

"Iyanu, it's not funny."

"Fine, Damen parked it in the clubs private lot so nothing would happen to it. Stop crying."

"Whew, ok. Now back to you. Don't think you're off the hook. Do you really think you would be able to go on a date? Your mom gave you one rule."

Oh yeah. Did I mention that my lovely mother sat me down when I was 13 and gave me one rule.

No dating until I turn 18. Like really.

She gavee the whole spew about wanting me to focus on school and not get distracted by boys.

I've always kept straight A's and I'm in dual enrollment so I have my AA by the time I graduate High School. 

I always do what my mom tells me to do.

This time I want to do something for me.


What do you think Iyanu should do?

Should she tell her mother that she wants to live her own life?

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