Mission log, day 28, morning. We are still in the cave, haven't see stars light in hours. Gillian, humming joyously, leads the way as we follow her blinded by her confidence. Doc collects samples left and right, but it looks like none of them matter as he ditches them along the way. At every step, moving water sound resonates in my head, numbs my senses. I walk mindlessly with my hands on the walls, evaluating the distances. Behind me, darkness closes the march, opening my mind to new fears.
Mission log, day 28, after noon. Last rations eaten, oxygen tanks are getting low, it is time to go back to the shuttle but Doc is pressuring Gillian to continue for a few hours, he seems to have finally found a lead. I don't know if I should feel relieved, because I am not. In the end, Gillian accepted to go along with a fake grin, trying to stop her confidence slipping through her teeth, before turning back into the darkness the Doc behind. I follow them, keeping a watch on the clock as times seems to flow differently as we sink in this cave.
Mission log, day 28, maybe evening or night. Doc removed his helmet to prove that we can breath, then he fixed his oxygen tank inside a crack on the wall and switch them to "refill mode". When I removed my helmet, fears submerged my subconscious, I lost my balance and violently hurt my head. I felt on my knees revealing a trail of blood on the wall. Gillian hurried at my side to help me but I couldn't feel her warm over Doc's cold glare as I became another obstacle of this mission. I lost myself into the slumber.
When I woke up, a faint light was glowing in the water between my legs. Gillian and the doc had disappeared, only the hissing noise of the oxygen tanks stuck in the cracks remained. One hand grabs the flash-light, elbow against the wall, legs stirring water, I slowly recover my balance and my senses. Something is wrong. I frenetically pat my suit, check my pockets, probe the water and every crack on the wall with the light. Nothing. I lost my watch, or someone took it? The doc? No... Why? Gillian? Maybe? Impossible? I... I... My breath gets louder and louder, every thought overwhelmed by the next one, running from wall to wall, trying to flee inner fears.
A huge familiar clunking noise echoes. The shock weakens my legs, my bottom hurts the floor hurling drops of water everywhere. With a quick reflex I direct the light towards the source of the menace, but as time pass, silence envelops me, no sign of life ahead, just a foul smell. An eternity later, I finally gather the courage to stand up and advance into the darkness.
Mission log, maybe day 29, maybe noon. My hunger growls, eats me alive, echoes along each splashing step. The smells from the humidity, my sweat and the dry blood dances together under my nose. Every pungent breath I take sicken me. I keep walking in the darkness, hoping to see Gillian.
Mission log, day 30~ish, noon. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, a flickering light. Hope is near.
Mission log, same day. I chased the light like a spark on gun powder, my heart explodes, my eyes gouging out, I try to puke but I have nothing to reject. Something is following me, the walls are closing on me, I am losing it, I need to keep moving, keep moving away.
The light is coming to me, brighter than ever, I accelerate, close my eyes, ditch the flash-light, lift my guard, ready to ram.
Mission log, same day. I reached the surface into a huge forest brimming with light, with sound and with oxygen. Mesmerized by the height of the tree I can feel the leaves and wood sticks cracking under my feet, a bottom-less joy submerges me until I trip and hit the dirt. At my feet, a huge slug drags doc upper body in its cave. I quickly pull his hands, but they are cold. Suddenly the slug's mouth glows on doc's stomach melting it, expelling red fumes, before disappearing underground. I didn't expect such a reunion with the doc. I flip and examine what remains of his body. His watch is broken. I pass my hand through his hair until I reach the neural implant and switch it on.
Remote Access Enabled >>> Mission Log: Last Entries
Our mission to find life form is accomplished. I collected enough samples. Once Gillian returns from harvesting food, we will return to the shuttle and broadcast my report. This breakthrough will lift me to new height, I can't wait.
Night is coming and no sign from Gillian. Something feels out of place. I cannot get my universal position. My watch broke when I felt in the cave. The position of the stars is different. The geography around the cave is identical. It looks like we are on the same planet but in another dimension, or timeline, or just far away. I need Gillian's watch to confirm one of my theory.
>>> End of Mission Log
Around me, all sounds stop. Gillian appears at the entry of the cave. She is stiff, neat, smiling, her arms ready to embrace, but I can see no light in her eyes.
Reaching for hopes, mine had vanished, only to give more to others.
Author Notes: This story was written based on August 2019 Challenge from @ScienceFiction . I added the underlying theme of unwilling self-sacrifice for the birth of new life.
Challenges: SciFi Short Stories
Science FictionAll stories were submitted as part of a challenge on wattpad. Feel free to dive in in any order you like. Enjoy!