Rules To Be Followed By The Participants!

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The rules to be followed by the participants are listed below.
All the entry makers should read all the instructions and follow them accordingly. Loss to follow either rules will lead to disqualification. The entries lacking in either of the rules will not be judged and hence deleted.

~rules ~

° firstly, no bribing!
If done so, you'll be disqualified immediately.

° one can make only one entry in the entirety. (because these awards aim to organize this serially. Another will again be conducted immediately after this. So, you are requested to make only one entry under a proper Gener.)

° you are requested, to inform if you are deleting your entry. (we'd not wish to judge a book unnecessarily. So please pm this account if you're doing so.)

° no rude and dirty comments will be tolerated. And spamming is strictly not allowed. (please avoid unnecessary comments, questions and confusions)

° books written in English are only allowed to be entered. ( most of our judges are comfortable with English)

° you have to permanently follow this account. (because as said already, we aim to conduct this simultaneously in series. So this could help you participate every time).

° you have to add this book to your reading list and also your private library. (we will be updating you with new instructions. So it is necessary for you to keep a track of it)

° you have to tag your book with #theblackawards2k19 (compulsory).

° you have to follow the judges of your genre permanently. ( they put in so much of time and hard work to bring out the best in you. So kindly and mandatorily follow them. If found that you aren't following, your book will not be judged and neither reported to you. It'll simply be ignored). ( if not followed them permanently you'll not be allowed to participate in this award series anymore)

° your book should at least have 5 chapters excluding authors note and prologue.

° the word limit for poetry is 1000. (exceeding the limit will not be judged and neither informed but ignored)

° you are requested to inform if your story has some interesting part and attention gaining part, so that it will help you gain more points. ( this will help the judges to mark you more and please don't forget it you are aiming to win an award)

° the password for your entry is ' your favorite color'. ( this will keep changing every 24 hours!... So don't just copy the entry made before you. If you do so you'll just be ignored and not judged)

So hopefully everyone has read and understood all the rules. If any doubts, you can comment and also pm this account and you'll be clarified!
This account will be active all day... So you needn't worry!

Now go ahead and make your entries!

The black awards! 2k19!! Where stories live. Discover now