Chapter 13: First day at the Tonks

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A/N- Halle-Mae and Calpurnia
First day at the Tonks

"These burgers are amazing!" Luna said munching on her 3rd burger. "I agree. This should be wizard food, it's so good." I said rubbing my belly.

"Glad you like them girls." Ted chuckled. "Like them?" Luna asked looking incredulous. "We love them!" I said grinning. Andy and Nymphie laughed at us.

"So girls, why don't you tell us a bit about yourselves? Halle you first as you are my cousin." Andy said turning towards me. "Oh, alright. Ehmm I like to play instruments like piano and guitar."

"Oh really? Ted plays the guitar don't you ted dear." Andy said smiling towards her husband, Ted nodded. "We can have a jam session sometime." He smiled at me, I nodded.

"Well, like Calle I'm an elemental, obviously... My strongest elements are wind and earth.. I'm a Gryffindor.. Uh I don't really have much to say...."

"Doesn't have much to say? How about you're inlove with Harry potter." Alliana muttered. "Oh you are?" Nymphie asked wiggling her eyebrows. "No I'm not!" I countered going crimson. "Ok girls, stop teasing how about you Rachel?"

"Oright, well I'm in RavenClaw."

"My house!" Andy exclaimed smirking, Ted just rolled his eyes and motioned for her to continue. "I'm a mind reader and an empather."

"Ah you got that from your mother, how is she by the way?" Andy asked smiling. "Oh. She's d-dead..." Rachel said looking down.

"What how? Oh I'm so sorry dear.." Andy said hugging Rachel. "Oh it's quite alright, she died protecting me when I was 7, I had been out in the meadow back home, I ran in giving my mam a bunch of flowers and she had smiled and put them in a jar, that's when everything went wrong. Dad had been at work so mam and I were on our own, they came into the kitchen where we were, mam pushed me behind her they were screaming things like 'get out of the way silly woman!' My mam was screaming 'no leave her alone!'. I didn't understand it then, but I do now they had come for my powers, anyways they used 'diffindo' on my mother that hit her in the stomach and were about to grab me, my dad had gotten in and hexed them from behind then rushed my mother to St. Peter's in Ireland but it was too late she had died." Rachel said wiping away a few fallen tears. I put my arm around her at the same time as Calle.

"Cheer up bub!" I said. "Christmas is a time to be happy!" Calle said grinning. "So let's be happy!" We both exclaimed. Everyone rolled their eyes at us but Rachel giggled.

"There's that smile!" I said hugging her. "Yes well no one can not smile around the infamous black twins." Rachel said laughing.

"Damn straight!" We chorused. Andy and Ted smiled at us. "You're just like your dad." Andy said wiping away a tear. "He was the only family I had, he was a great man. Oh look at me I'm a mess, ok how about you Alliana..?"

"Well I have uh.. Blue hair?" She said shrugging. "Yes dear we can see that." Ted said smiling down at her, Alliana blushed.

"Tell me actually how do you have blue hair are you a metamorphous?" Nymphie asked.

Alliana looked around nervously. "It's rather private but I can tell you that I am almost as powerful as my grandfather with a few years of training I could surpass him in his duelling competition records."

"And you went with 'I have blue hair'?" I asked incredulous. "Well, I didn't think it was that interesting.." She said blushing.

"Oh I know another!" I said smirking, her eyes went wide. "You wouldn't." She challenged me. "Watch me, you know how about the way you love Ron Weasley, my adoptive brother." I said smirking.

"Y-you! No I don't!" Alliana said going as red a Ron's hair. "Right girls." Andy said laughing. "How about you Hermione?"

"Oh well I'm muggle born."

"Oh you are? It's great isn't it, Hogwarts. I remember my first year perfectly, it's amazing enjoy it won't you." Uncle Ted said smiling.

"Of course I will! And my parents are dentist in the muggle world, and that's it." She said. "And Luna? I knew your mother and father well, them being in my house and year and all, tell me are you a RavenClaw also?"

"No, I was placed in Gryffindor, first Lovegood ever. My older sister is in RavenClaw though." She smiled at Andy. "That's all."

"Right well come on girls! Bed time girls! Christmas tomorrow!" Ted said. "Uncle Ted, we're not tired."

"I don't care get to bed."

"Fine." Us girls ran up the stairs and into the room we'd be sharing. We spent the night talking and gossiping with each other. 'I love my friends!'

A Prophesied love (A Harry Potter Love Story) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now