Happily Ever Afters

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Hand in hand, the young couple who had officially began to court one another emerged into the ballroom.

Dances of a kingdom's rejoice filled the hearts of the people.

Namjoon held the hand of the newly winged Seokjin and they danced above the kingdom's inhabitants.

Three fairy godfathers danced among themselves, smiling brightly and cherishing one another. Yes...even Yoongi danced.

Jimin and Taehyung quietly slipped out of the bustling crowd in favor of sitting in the castle's garden.

"I can't believe I'm a prince," The younger mumbled softly.

"I can't believe we've met before."

"I heard," Jimin giggled softly, looking into Taehyung's eyes, "You asked for me the day of my christening."

A faint blush graced Taehyung's face as he cleared his throat.

"Well I was just a boy then."

"And now? Are you not still a boy? We still have our youth."

"But now I know what feeling truly means. Now, I am a boy with love."

The elder's hand gently caressed Jimin's cheek.

"You have freckles. Did you know?"

Smiling brightly, Jimin pulled Taehyung in for a passionate, sweet kiss, and they were too enraptured in one another to notice three godfathers, the king, and the fairy watching them.

Seokjin uttered a concealing chant and the roses of the garden grew tall, shielding the boys.

"Why?!" Hoseok cried out.

"Let them have their privacy. They're working on their forever," he replied calmly.

They all knew he was right.

Jimin and Taehyung both felt a serenity in their hearts. The way their bodies slotted together perfectly was comforting. Nothing had ever felt so suiting as their lips on one another's

They pulled away and both uttered brief I love yous before sitting and gazing at the starry dome above them.

All was right in the kingdom and the Moors. Light had been restored to the divided lands.

Love had found its way through dark ages, and now everyone could live their happily ever afters.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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