Chapter 4

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I feel like I'm not breathing.The man who tried to kill me was right next to me.All this time I trusted him.

" were the guy that tried to kill me?" Ethan grabbed my arm but I pull away."Don't touch me." I was scared.Was he going to kill me now? Why does he even want to kill me? "Monica,wait.I'm sorry-" I slap him hard across the face."You're sorry? That's not good enough.You tried to kill me.I don't think I can ever trust you anymore. " My throat started to hurt from yelling so much.Ethan looked like he was about to cry.I was scaring him.He never saw me this mad before."Just please listen to me.I'm trying to explain." Why should I listen to him? When I tried to apologize to him he ignored me.But I need answers.He needs to tell me everything. "Oh trust me,you're going to tell me everything. Now why did you try to kill me?" I demanded. I need the truth."I lost control,okay? I was so mad that you choose Chris.. I was the one that wrote the note. " There is so much anger inside of me. If Ethan thought he would win me back by doing this he is wrong.I want to slap him. " I can't believe you would do this..I thought you would understand why I choose Chris. You are nothing but selfish." Ethan hung his head down with shame."I know you'll never forgive me.I just wanted to tell you the truth. And now you know." Ethan said. I can't stand to look at him. "Get out. I don't want you in my life. " Ethan left without saying anything.A few minutes later I started to cry. How could he do this to me? I was going to call Chris but then I remembered that he probably doesn't want to talk to me.I should've known it was Ethan all along.He wrote that letter so he would have me all to himself.

The next day, I woke with the feeling that I should talk to Chris.He should know the truth.When I got the school, I looked around the halls for Chris.he's probably avoiding me.When I go to the cafeteria, I see him sitting there by himself. I took a deep breath.I exhale. I've never felt so nervous before.Will he even let me talk?

I slowly walked over to him.He doesn't seem to notice me. Almost as if I'm invisible.The voice in the head tells me to say something."Hey." I said quietly. Chris wouldn't look at me." What do you want?" He asked.He's obviously not in the greatest mood."Chris..Ethan was the one who wrote the letter. He made it all up." Chris rolls his eyes." And how do I know if you're making this up or not?" He asked in a dark tone. Maybe now wasn't the time to talk to him.But he needs to know the truth now."Chris, I'm telling the truth. Please believe me." I was choked with tears.I'm tired of all this.Chris doesn't have any sympathy for me. He gets up and leaves.

During lunch, I decided to just sit in the lobby. I wasn't really hungry.I felt so lonely just sitting there. But that soon changed. A girl with snow white hair walked over to me.She had snow flake ear right rings and a white glitter purse.She must have a thing for snow."Hey.Do I mind if i sit with you?" She asked. I shook my head.She sat down next to me."I saw you crying this morning.Is everything okay?" She asked.why does she care? "Just got alot going on." I said. She slides closer to me."Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. Why is she being so nice? "Not really." I said firmly. It hurts just thinking about Ethan and Chris. "You sure? I can talk to me about it." She said.I should've just told her to leave." Fine.But don't tell anyone what I told you." I said. Gabriela nodded.I told her everything about what Ethan did and that Chris is mad at me."Chris will come around eventually. Trust me,I've been in a situation like this." Gabriela said. What did she mean by that? Was she matched with two boys too? " do you mind telling me about it?" I asked politely. " Not at all. Last year, I got matched with two boys and-" "you've been matched with two boys two?!" I interrupted.She nodded." I was matched with my best friend Timothy and some stranger named jaden." so I wasn't the only one.I finally might have someone to help me. "Who did you marry?" I asked. "I married jaden.He is the love of my life. I tried to explain to jaden that i still cared about him but he just shut me out." Gabriela said.She had a sad look in her eyes."I know how you feel.Ethan was so mad when I went out with Chris.and now I hate him.I loved him like a brother and then he just stabbed me in the back.That backstabber." I caught myself almost screaming.I took a deep breath." You okay?" Gabriela asked.I nodded.I got carried away.The bell ran.Gabriela stood up." I guess I should's my phone me if you want to talk." She give me a piece of paper that had her phone number on it."Thanks." I said.I was glad she talked to me.It might be the beginning of a new friendship.

In English class, I was reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" when suddenly someone knocked on the door.The teacher went to the door and opened it.It was Mrs Scott.What was she doing here? She walked over to me."we need to talk..privately." She whispered.I nodded and we went in the hall."what's going on?" I asked.I had that nervous feeling again just like the last time Mrs scott talked to me."Monica..I don't know how to say this.." She seemed depressed.Did something happen."say what?" I asked.

Mrs Scott looked into my eyes."Ethan is dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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