~Chapter Fourteen~

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My eyes start to slowly flutter open to the sight of and empty busses I sit up on to the couch as I rub my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I take my phone out of my pocket finding a text from nick.

"Hey, don't know when your going to see this, but we are inside the venue for sound check so just come in when ever."

"Hey I just got up from my long ass nap, I'll come in a bit."


I put my phone back into my pocket and get up from the couch. I go and grab a water from our fridge and grab a granola bar from our snack basket.

I open up the bus door entering into the warm breeze throughout the air. As I closed the door I saw some of the boys fans lined up waiting for the show to start.

"Y/n!" One of the girls yell catching my attention. I stop in my tracks to look over at them, as I look over the girls start cheering and waving, so being the nice girl I am I quickly run over to take pictures.

I finally enter the venue through the back door finding my way to the dressing room. I walk in on Izzy doing her makeup in the mirror. "Hey cutie." I say as I enter the room an take a seat next to her.

"Look who's finally awake." She says setting down her makeup and looking at me with a smile. "So where is everyone?" I asked her looking around the room to see no one else.

"Oh yeah their on stage about to start sound check with the dancers." She says going back to her makeup.

"Shit I forgot I was one of the dancers." I said standing up and heading over to the stage. As I leave the room it causes Izzy to laugh and shake her head at my forgetful mind. "Look who decided to show." Zion said into the mic with a smile causing everyone to turn and look at me.

"Oh shut up." I said as I walked past Zion with a smirk joining the rest of the dancers.

For the past 15 minutes I have been getting to know more of the dancers as we warmed up. Me and one of the dancers named Megan have gotten pretty close through the past few days during dance practice.

As the tech crew called for sound check everyone got into position. I finally had the chance to talk to nick since I had to dance with him in the opening song. "How was your nap." He whispered into my ear as the music started to play. "Would of been better with you." I say with a smirk and wink as I start dancing.
The sound check went perfect, the lighting was on point, the dancers got every move right, and the boys voices sound like angels as always. I finally find the dancers dressing room after wandering around the venue for 8 minutes.

"Omg hey come sit." Megan said as she looked back at me through her mirror. I walk over climbing up on one of the high black chairs, I open the drawer apart of the vanity and pull out the makeup inside of it. "Hey missy, remember I'm here to do all that for you." Madi says entering the room with a little laugh.

"Omg Madi, I've missed you." I say jumping down from the chair and grasping her into one of my long lasted hugs. "Girl you look like you just woke up and it's 4." Madi says giving me an Omg look as she looks at me. "Well maybe because I just did like 2 hours ago." I say causing us both to laugh.

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