Chapter 12 | Cecile

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Wellston- three days ago

Joker stood proudly in the courtyard, foot placed on Arlo's left cheek. The fallen king stared up at the masked student in defeat. The whole school watched as John took down his final obstacle in destroying the hierarchy. The crowds where panicking, cowering in the presence of their new king. I couldn't help but let a smirk form on my face. I very much enjoyed seeing Arlo, finally, defeated.

Looking at my, smartly chosen, ally through a window on the ground floor. The hall was crammed with people. Suddenly, I felt a shove from behind me, I angrily looked over to see who it was; Seraphina.

The magenta-haired girl was running through the near-impenetrable crowd, towards the exit to the courtyard. Oh no, you don't.  I sped after her, almost tripping numerous times. Managing to grab her forearm as she left the building, I stopped her, " Where do you think you're going?!", I demanded.

"Let go of me, Cecile!", I growled, fury burning in her eyes. Seraphina yanked herself from my grip and sprinted towards John. I followed, activating my ability.

"How dare you brutalize Arlo like this!", the mad girl hollered, " You ruthless m-", she stopped abruptly, restrained by my energy ropes. Joker, noticing this chaos, got the memo and began escaping the scene. I calmed myself, knowing John's secret will be safe.

All of a sudden, a fiery pain melted through my arm. I shrieked in pain realising my ropes, I fell to my knees, tightly holding my wound. Looking back up I saw, John standing still, facing me, his piercing stare plastered onto a certain level of the school building behind me. Following his gaze, I saw a trembling Blyke at a second-storey window. Hurriedly I looked back towards the masked student. "Watch out!", I cried but it was too late. Seraphina had already torn off his mask, revealing a horrored John.

His attention quickly fell to Seraphina. She trembled in rage as she screamed at him in front of our audience. The girl slapped John countless times but the boy stood there, paralysed.

"Why?!", she finally called

"I-I was afraid of h-how you'd react-"

"That's a worthless excuse!", she interrupted

"Please S-Sera, let me exp-", he asked weakly, tears in his eyes.

" No! Forget it! Don't talk to me ever again!", She interjected once more, stomping away from the broken boy.  John fell to his knees and stared at her blankly, seemingly lost in thought. Guilt hit me hard. If I hadn't stopped her, he would have gotten away in time... I always get in the way.

Cradling my blasted arm, I slowly walked over to the all-feared king of Wellston. "John...", I spoke quietly, gently placing my bloodied palm on his shoulder. John stood up instantly, his eyes empty, his face expressionless. He walked towards the building, not bothered to spare me a glance.

I was standing next to Arlo, who was unconscious, but I didn't care. I felt my eyes well up with tears, I started shaking, a mixture of anger at Seraphina, sympathy for John but most of all, guilt for my impulsive actions. He had a plan. He was prepared for this scenario. Why did I have to intervene?  The more people are involved, the more things can go wrong. A soft whimper escaped my lips, despite my gritted teeth. I failed him. I should have followed his instructions.

I began walking to the Infirmary, head down, leaving Arlo on the ground. (A/N poor Arlo)

Wellston- Present Day

Sobbing into his shirt, I felt John's breath in my hair as he held me in a warm embrace. We were alone, no one came up onto the rooftop anymore, aside from us. It was tranquil, calm, peaceful. I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else, the scene was truly irreplaceable.

"What are you talking about, Cecile?", he asked softly.

"I'm so s-sorry.", I replied, hiding in his chest, "I shouldn't have stopped her, you had a plan."

"Pfft! My plan was to run away and hide the truth for eternity.", he chuckled

"You would have told her eventually...", I responded solemnly.

He huffed," Probably not... it's better she found out now rather than later. Our 'friendship' was built on a lie, it was doomed from the beginning."

I looked up at him."It's still my fault."

"No. If anything, it's my fault for stopping, no one forced me to.", he reassured me," But hearing you in pain, made me turn around on instinct.", he held my face in his hands, "And I don't regret it."

I smiled timidly. He sighed, "Maybe if I had come clean earlier to Seraphina, things would have been different.", he looked deeply into my eyes, "I'm not making the same mistake twice."

Confusion made itself visible on my face. John let go of me and sat up straight against the wire fence. "Before I came to this school,", he began, staring up at the sky, "I went to New Bostin and I was an awful tyrant-"

"I already know about that!"

He looked at me surprised, "How?!"

"Isen.", I rolled my eyes.

"Ahh.", he nodded, unexpectedly he borke out in a fit of laughter," Yet you still want to be with me? What are you, a masochist?!"

I smiled, his laughter was quite contagous, "Nah, you never hurt me. Well, aside from the Joker match but that was for the greater good.", I shrugged

The ravenette stopped laughing and looked down to the floor in shame,"Actually, it wasn't. I should have gone easier on you, we were allies after all. I'm sorry."

This time, I took his face in my hands and kissed his cheek,"It's fine, I forgive you"

"That's good to hear.", he gave me a small smile, "I'm so happy to have met you", he blushed.

"Well, duh.", I said, playfully nudging his shoulder.

John looked at be with the corner of his eye,"You started it.", he said, wrapping his arm around my stomach.

In a panic I said,"What are you-Ahaha-huff-ahah", I laughed uncontrollably as he tickled my sides in an agressive matter.

"No!aha- Stop-hah-I-I can't even-gasp- defend myself."

I saw him smirk evily,"Exactly.", he continued to torture me.

In an act of desperation, I activated my ability, tying his wrists togather long enough for me to escape. Deactivating my ability before he copied it. The situation got calmer.

"I'll continue eating my cake if you don't mind", I smiled sitting down beside him again.

"That's an excellent idea.", he mocked my posher way of speaking, taking a bite out of his own cake," Hey, how about we do that training afterschool today. You busy?"

"Nah, my schedule is clear for today, where do we meet?"

"Just at the school gates ,I guess. Then we'll take a train to the Turf War grounds and see what your made of.", He winked at me, "Form our fight I could tell you need to work on your defence."

I scoffed at his remark, "I'll have you know I'm a pro at defence." He gave me the 'do-I-look-blind' look,"What? I went easy on you during our fight.", I continued, "I wanted to show the school how quickly you can defeat a high teir."

"What ever you say. I have no choice but to trust your judgment.", He looked at me teasingly

"Oh shush.", I rolled my eyes.

We continued to joke around until the end of lunch, we headed off to our seperate classes.

I'm so happy to have met you too, John.

irReplaceable | John x Cecile| unOrdinaryWhere stories live. Discover now