Where Eggs Bleed Brimstone (trailer)

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Where Eggs Bleed Brimstone  is a trailer for DawnAshes


To pursue her romantic fantasies, virtuous village girl Jane leaves decrepit Brimstoneburg for the prosperous Capital. She never expected to become one of the most feared serial killers in history.*Years ago, a series of gory, unorthodox murders sent the Kingdom into turmoil. Authorities found the bodies of seven women, flayed when they were alive. The culprit is twenty-year-old Jane, a virtuous village girl from the religious Brimstoneburg.In this satirical meta-fiction, a secretive, cynical author explores the making of Jane the Ripper, starting with the turbulent history of her hometown, the City Where Eggs Bleed Brimstone.From there unfolds a story about doe-eyed women, gilded priests, glass worshipers, shape-shifting dancers, and skin thieves, a journey through lush, putrid jungle and barren, scorching desert.

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