t r a i l e r . i n f o r m a t i o n [ i m p o r t a n t ]

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regular: overall theme & plot. has text, music and clips of characters/main events. sometimes has audio (quotes from tv & movies) but i only add audio if you tell me specific quotes from tv shows/movie, or give me links. usually 01:15 to 02:30 long in length

character: typically about one singular character. sometimes text (usually not), sometimes audio (this is only if you provide me with specifics) has music, has clips of your character (and less clips of supporting roles) and some events. this is usually made for character aesthetics.

ship: consist of two (or three if it's a love triangle) characters. shows the relationship between the characters (romantic? friends? family? let me know) has music, has clips of your characters, sometimes has text, and sometimes has audio (if provided specifics)

promo/teaser: basically a regular trailer, but shorter. it's used to hype up your story or a part of your story. generally less than a minute. see regular trailer for specifics on what's included.

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