🌹How they wake you up

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Hey! So I decide to just start out with a simple chapter and post it today to start out so you'll have two updates this week.

F/b- favorite breakfast

He'll get up early and make you breakfast in bed.

   Jin slowly opens his eyes and looks around, the clock states that it is 7:30 and he slowly gets up as to not wake you.
   He creeps down to the kitchen and starts to make you starts to make you your f/b and bacon. He the plates the food and pours a glass of milk to go with the food. The slowly and carefully brings your food up to you.
  The smell of f/b and bacon filling your nose and your mouth waters. He did it again, he woke you up with food. You sit up to see your boyfriend Jin smiling at you holding a tray of food out to you.

Lets be honest you would be the one waking him up. Or trying at least.

"Yoongi. It's time to wake up. You have practice in an hour." You said as you roll over to face your sleeping boyfriend.
Well that's didn't work. Meh. Ooh I know.
     You creep out of the room and get a bull horn and come back in. You blast it by the door as to bot hurt his ears too much. He didn't even stir. What!?! You thought. Mmh lets try this.
      You find the flashlight you keep in your kitchen and head back up to your shared room. You then sit onto of him and shine the flashlight in his eyes. (I don't recommend doing this please it does hurt.) Again he didn't wake up. God was it always this hard to wake him up?!? Getting frustrated you stomp down the stairs and start to run to the kitchen. Not slowing down when you get to there you slip on your socks hitting the ground hard. (just saying I do this all the time and it's a pain.) You let out a cry of pain and slowly get up.
      You hear someone coming down the stairs and then see Yoongi crouched down in front of you.
       " Are you OK babe?" He says in his deep morning voice. You nod and slowly start to get up with his help.
      Well at least he's awake now.

He gets you up by dancing and screaming.

  The sun is shining the birds are chipping and the sun is screaming? You think as you soon realise the high pitch noise is your boyfriend Hoseok.
       " Dear God I'm wake now!" You scream to get over his. He stops and looks at you smiling.
        "Morning Angel!" he sings as he pecks your check.

My guess is he would try and let you sleep. But would end up either being a little loud or break something.

       Namjoon gets up and goes to the bathroom attached to your room. He then goes to get dressed and as he pulls out a drawer he pulls it out to far making it crash to the ground.
      "Crap what if she wakes up!" he says aloud to himself knowing you can be kinda cranky if you wake up to early.
         "Oh I'm already awake. And you better hurry up and put that back before I come and smack you." You say calmly having to deal with this often.
          " Of course I'm sorry love."

He wake you up with kisses.

       You feel the soft and careful kisses of you boyfriend Jimin. You slowly open your eyes to find him with a cute eye smile and a messy bed head. Which looks quite fluffy. You reach your hands up to comb them through his hair.
      " Morning baby." he says simply.

He walks you up by singing in a weird voice.
         A voice trying to be high pitched yet failing knowing its Taehyung you keep your eyes closed just to tease him.
       He knew you were awake. So he slowly climbs back into bed and starts to tickle you while still doing a weird voice. You starts to scream and laugh at the goofy actions of your boyfriend.
         "Okay okay I'm up! I'm up!"
               "Morning Princess."

He would sing to you.

     Dear Diary,   
      I am the luckiest person aren't I? I mean I get to wake up to the voice of an angel singing me wake. He then kisses my check picks me up and spins me around. I don't know about you but I love my boyfriend and I can't believe that I have him in my life. OK well I have to get ready bye.
                     From, Y/n
                        "Yes love?"
     "I thought I got you up already                   why are you back in bed?"
                    "Oh no reason."


Thank you all for reading! Love you all and good night. 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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