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My night was definitely something, I was at some preppy girls house party who I may or may not of slept with, I wasn't really sure. I had left my house with the intent of getting completely fucked, and that I did. Pills were placed in my mouth, joints were handed to me which I eagerly took and alcohole was their just to swallow it all down.

I would say it was a good night but I couldn't even remember it, all I remember is leaving my house after slamming the door on my parents lecturing me about anything and everything. I had an image to uphold apparently, I was part of such a pretentious family. So me partying every night and fucking anything with a pulse was obviously not the 'perfect image'.

I quietly tiptoed into the living room sighing, hoping I was quiet but the level of my intoxication I couldn't even tell.

'What time do you call this' my dad announced his presence leaving a bitter  feeling in the air.

'Umm' I took out my phone clumsily '4:07' I responded sarcastically turning towards him. My dad looked a lot like me, with his dark brown hair close to black with the hit of grey on the sides. He had piercing green eyes that were even more prominent from the redness around them. I assumed from tiredness mine were most likely red aswel but for a completely different reason.

'I asked you to be home 4 hours ago, you're sister has her recital in the morning which you're suppose to be at, by morning I mean 3 hours' he whisper shouted to which I still grimaced at.

'I lost track of time'

This seemed to just fuel the anger and I knew if I wasn't his son he would of punched me by now. 'Do you know what Noah I'm not even going to satisfy that with a response' he stopped and his features changed very quickly from angry to pure disappointment 'don't bother coming tomorrow, the looks of you at the moment' he paused 'you're not even my son' he stormed of with this and when he finally left I carried on looking at where he was just stood.

You're not even my son anymore.

Think of me instead (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now