Chapter Nine

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Caleb's POV of

When I open the door to the coffie shop, the over powering sent of coffie fills my nostrils. I hold the door open for Jesse, which takes awhile because he is walking rather slow.

"Why you walking so slow?" I ask

"I don't feel very well..." He starts to say but then trails off.

"Do you want to sit? I'll go get some coffie for us" I told him

"Yeah, okay" he whispered

I watched him sit down to make sure he was okay. The color was gone from his face, and I was getting kinda worried. I hope that when he gets a little caffinie in his system he'll feel better. I ordered a medium coffie for both of us, I didn't know what he liked, so I just put in some creamer and the proceded to put sugar and half 'n' half in mine, with a little sugar. I walked over to the table were he was sitting, and handed him his coffie.

"I didn't know what you liked in your coffie so I just put creamer in, if you want anything else I can go back and get it." I explained.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine." He said slowly. He looked really sick.

"Are you okay? Do you wanna go home a sleep? You don't look so well, I can call a cab and-" He cut me off.

"No! Caleb i'm fine." He snapped.

"Okay, but if anything happens, I'm making sure you get home, and then to the doctor." I warned him.

We sat in silence for awhile. It was okay though because I could tell he was tired, and didn't want to talk. I was scrolling on my phone, going through my facebook and messages. I really hoped he would say something soon because thats what we came here for, was to talk about us. Hows that going to happen when hes not saying anything.

"Jesse it's getting kinda late, I'll call a cab to take you home, and we can talk tomorrow."


"Look maybe I should take you to the hospital, you look really sick." This was scaring me. A lot. I have no idea what to do right now. He says he's fine. He doesn't look fine. I'm conflicted, like really really conflicted.

"No. I just need to sleep it off. Please take me home."

"Okay." So i'll just call a cab, and make sure he gets home, and then we'll just talk tomorrow before school."

"Lets go."

"Alright, umm I'll call a cab." I say as i'm pulling out my phone, I find a phone number to call a cab, after about 10 minutes the cab pulls up. We walk outside and I watch him get in.

"You arn't coming?" He asks

"Ummm, No I'm just going to wallk home. I"ll see you tomorrow at school. We'll talk then okay?"

"Yeah, sounds good." I turn around. I'm about to start walking when he gets out, I think he tells the driver it will only be 1 sec. I turn around.

"Caleb, I love you." Oh thank god he feels the same. He just made my life.

"I love you too." I say. It takes all of me not to kiss his soft, warm lips. I settle for a kiss on the cheek. He puts his hat on my head, and his scarf around my neck.

"It's cold, if you're walking stay warm." He whispers softly.

"Thanks." The cab honks and he gets back in, but not before throwing a quick bye over his shoulder. I watch the cab drive away and I'm still watching, when it turns and I can no longer see it.

"I love you so much." I whisper quietly. So no one will hear.

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