Chapter 4

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I instinctively look straight up but only to see them literally making out. I look away uncomfortably. It hurts a little to see that mainly because all my memories of ruel, that was us doing that stuff.

I feel guilty for even thinking about possibly getting back together with him but I'm also disappointed. I genuinely believe it could of worked out and been great this time round, especially after having such a good time tonight.

Ruel: "hey, lissa. This is stella, my uh-girlfriend."
He sort of hesitates as he says girlfriend. Probably because it shows he's moved on from me.
Stella: "hey. Nice to meet you!"
She looked back at me with a big smile. She sounded genuinely happy to see me which I wouldn't expect. Also she was stunningggg.
Melissa: "hi, I'm melissa."
I give a warm smile back.
She starts the car and begins driving but starts conversation. And by my surprise she asked.
Stella: "so how do you and ruel know eachother?"
That's odd. She didn't even know we dated.
Melissa: "oh. Uh- I'm his ex"
I said awkwardly.
Stella: "oh. Really. I- I didn't know that."
She says looking over at ruel.

We talk the whole journey home and she was so sweet. I can 100% see all the reasons ruel likes her. He clearly has a type as well. We have such similar features. Same colour hair, eyes, body type, height, etc.

Eventually we arrive at my apartment and I hop out the car thanking them for the lift.

I walk through the front door and shut it behind me leaning back on the door. That good night turned bad pretty fast. Why does he have to have a girlfriend. I think to myself.

I forgot how attracted I am to him and seeing him again made me realise how much fun he is to be around and remember all our old memories.

I drag myself over to my bed and throw myself onto it. I sigh really deeply. I wish I just didn't see him again because I think my feelings are starting to rekindle. Fuck.


I never told stella that Melissa was my ex because I knew she would of told me I couldn't go out with her so I just left that bit out besides it wasn't like that between me and Melissa. Stella can be really controlling like that sometimes, it's really aggravating.

Not gonna lie Melissa looked so good tonight and just talking with her for a few hours made me realise how much I miss her being around.

The whole journey Melissa and Stella spoke about a lot. I sort of just sat there thinking about everything.

I'm not totally sure where my heads at right now but why am I even saying that. I have a girlfriend.
I want to keep seeing Melissa though because I've known her for ages and I hope we can be good friends. at the least...


I get all ready for bed and lay down with my phone. I decide to text ruel about mentioning I was his ex because it was playing in my mind. I also just wanted to talk to him...


Hey ruel, just wanted to
say thanks for tonight I had fun
and sorry for bringing up us
dating to your girlfriend!

Hey lissa, I had a good
time too :)
And don't worry about it haha
I probably shoulda told her !

Imma get some sleep,
goodnight :)

See you soon!
Gnight :)


I smile at my phone for a minute before putting it down and cuddling into my bed. Friends Melissa. We're just friends.
Get it into your head.
I sigh and eventually drift off to sleep.


I have the studio pretty much all day today and I never usually get excited about going because it can get boring but today was different. Today I was looking forward to going, mostly because I was hoping I would see Melissa there.

A few hours later I arrive at the studio and see Melissa's desk from yesterday. She wasn't sat there though. A young boy was. I looked round pretty much everywhere and there was no sight of her. Why wasn't she here today ughhh.


today I start my new college. I'm excited but bloody terrified that's for sure.

Since it's college and not high school. The day isn't even that long, I'll be there for only a few hours.

I get ready as quick as possible and head off, ensuring I won't be late. I walk since it's not far at all.

Eventually when I arrive, I was instructed to go to a certain classroom which was going to be my home room. (Idk what aussies call it sorry bahahaha) I walk in and go to take a seat when I hear a voice call out "MELISSA!"
I turn to see Stella. She was ushering me over to her. I make my way over and say hi and she I introduces me to all her friends. They are all so lovely and welcoming.

- end of school day -

School went pretty well today. I met a lot of knew people, mostly nice. Stella was surprisingly sweet to me considering I'm ruels ex. I think we're gonna get along well.

As I was making my way out the school building someone approaches me. It was stella.
Melissa: "hey"
Stella: "hi, I didn't know you were coming here!"
Melissa: "yeahh this schools the reason I moved out here! And thank you by the way for being so welcoming and introducing me to your friends"
I smile at her
Stella: "awh no of course! Hey I just wanted to let you know, there's a party tonight for mostly the people starting the school this year. Do you wanna come with me and the girls?"
She says hoping I'll say yes.
Melissa: "sounds fun! I'm down."
She excitedly hugs me and says
Stella: "I'll text you the address and see you later" she says before running off. "Look sexy there will be cute boys."
She yells at me causing people to hear. I laugh at her and continue to make my way home.

First day of school and there's already a party huh? This'll be fun.
To be honest I'm hoping I see a boy there tonight that will take my mind off of ruel because Stella's so sweet and I feel so guilty for possibly starting to get feelings for her boyfriend again.


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