A/N And Summary

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This isn't my first fanfic or story. i'm beginning this now since it's Percy Jackson's birthday but the updates will be slow. i have most of it written on Word but i'm finishing it.

Don't worry, it won't go unfinished



Percy Jackson fanfiction, Son of Fury.

When Percy returned from his first quest, he came home to find his mum had been murdered by Gabe. (sorry, I still love Sally!) He was taken to an orphanage but met a certain man in the park who happened to be Nick Fury.

Now living together, the pair get along well. Nick suspects things about Percy. Percy goes on quests and returns after the Labyrinth with the courage to tell Nick who he really is.

Years later Percy returns from the Giant War with a few emotional scars more than he expected. He couldn't save them, not any campers, not even the 7. His Wise Girl died. Nick had issues going on at work and needed Percy to be kept somewhere safe since their house was destroyed. He sends Percy to live with the Avengers in Stark Towers.

With Leo missing, Nico goes looking for him and isn't found for a while. Percy struggles with his flashbacks and memories. He goes to school and ignores the Avengers.

-Original 6 Avengers but Thor is going to come in later on. (And Wanda, sometimes Vision)

-Let's say Peter is an Avenger-in-training.

-I know the events are out of order, but it has to be for the plot to work. (Bruce isn't missing and Thor is just at Asgard until halfway through the book)

-Percy is almost 17 but he will be in the same year/grade at Peter during school for reasons.

Other than that, Enjoy!


Percy's POV

The quest was over. I was informed that my mom would be at home. To say I was excited was an understatement. I jogged home quickly but came to a stop. I was frozen in front of the apartment. Police were scattered outside and most were on their way inside. Neighbours were outside. My next-door neighbour spotted me. Her name was Juliet Clark.

"Percy?" She asked. I came up to her and the police officer next to her. "Where have you been? I saw you on the news, I can't believe it." I looked at her in confusion.

"What's happened? Where's my mom?" I ask. Her face darkened slightly. My eyes glistened with tears.

"Percy, I'm sorry. it was your stepdad." She told me. I shook my head in disbelief and anger. I felt her pull me into a hug while I shut my eyes tight. I blinked the tears away with a frozen mind. She can't be dead. She just can't be!

The officer took me to the station and asked many questions. I had no known relatives to live with therefore I was sent to the orphanage. They considered foster care but then they looked at my file. My school records said it all, nobody would take me. A lady came and took me there. I had nothing but what I wore and my pen. I kept my necklace close but hid it under my hoodie collar in worry that someone would take it. The other kids there weren't nice. it was obvious since they were all 'Troublemakers' who were sent here instead of the foster system.

All I could think was why the fates were so cruel.

Son Of Nick Fury (Percy Jackson x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now