Episode 1..

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"To all drivers out there drive safely. And on this lonely rainy day, Let's listen to some relaxing love songs" Said the lady on the radio. Rain was barely listening to it anyways, in his own little world humming a tune. Then all of a sudden his car starts to act weird so he pulls over. "What's happening to my baby?" he whines "dad, mom, what's Rain gonna do?" He freaks out not knowing what to do. What is he supposed to do his parents hadn't prepared him for that. Let alone they are hours away so they couldn't help him anyways. "And it's raining too. Dammit, just my luck" he thinks as he sits there frustrated. He's still freaking out trying to figure out what to do when he hears fingers tapping on his car window, startled he sees a random guy pulled over to help him. 

Rain takes a second to stare at this man, he looks kinda scary, fuck what if he gets stabbed Rain thinks. The man gestures to roll down his window "huh? what do you want?" He says as he rolls down the window. The random guy lifts his helmet and speaks in a deep voice Rain wasn't expecting "Turn on your hazard lights I'll check the tire for you." "Really?" rain says excitedly sitting up a little. "Yes now hurry," the man says a little annoyed as he parks his bike. 

Since this guy pulled over to help me I should bring out my umbrella to keep the rain off him and see if I could help rain thought as he looks in his car for the umbrella. He found it and got out to help. "Go back in the car. It's pouring, I'll take care of things from here." the man said going back to taking the flat off the car. "I can't help you change the tire, but I can shelter you from this rain." Rain says and smiles cutely at him, the guy just looks up confused shakes his head, and turns back around. "Can I help you with anything else?" rain said excitedly. The guy seems to think about it and then sighs "Ok then, hold this for me." holding up his helmet for Rain to take. 

As he was standing there bored he started fidgeting with the helmet spinning it back and forth. When he caught a glimpse of something on the helmet. He suddenly stopped spinning it and brought it closer to him so he could see better. Wiping away some water he saw on the back of the helmet had the engravings PT on them. must be his initials. he thought interested into who this man was. "Thank you. I wouldn't know what to do without you." Rain said, thankful that this random stranger helped him out. And now that he was done he can finally go home, shower, and get warm after staying out in the ran. 

As the man gets up to put the flat tire in the trunk he says snarkily "Learn the basics about cars, don't just drive. So that you can fix it yourself next time." shutting the trunk he says "alright your good to go." pulling down the riding mask to wipe off his face, showing how unbelievably handsome he is. Rain thought just his eyes were attractive, but when the man took the mask off he was stunned. What the fuck did god just change my tire?! he thought as he looked at the godlike man in front of him. Rain just stood there struggling like a deer caught in headlights when the man said smirking "my helmet?" "Oh." rain sighed reaching out to give the man his helmet back, but when the man grabbed his helmet he also grabbed rains hand. 

Nervous rain blurts out "You're so handsome!" he thinks about what he said and replies "oh what no I mean+" "Thanks for the compliment." The man interrupts. Finally taking back his helmet and letting go of Rain's hand "Don't go blowing your tire out again, now run along or you'll get sick from all this rain." the man complains as he puts his mask back on "Ok, Thank you again!" rain says putting his umbrella down and getting back in the car. As the man drives away Rain tries to calm his rapidly beating heart "That man was so damn cool!" he says out loud to himself. 

As Phayu gets home he couldn't stop thinking of that cute guy he just helped change a tire. Phayu was not expecting for the person he decided to help would be that goddam gorgeous. His pink plump lips and those puppy dog eyes would- "Phayu! you're just in time!" he sighs Oh my god what this time?  He forgot that it was family dinner night. feeling exhausted after a long day at work. 

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