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Merry was trying her best going against the waves while the crew went on with their daily tasks.

You were doing fine, but still unable to shoot lightning like you wanted to, for now you can just electrify anything you touch. You also can't seem to call upon your wings or do your usual air magic. Sanji cut himself while cooking because he was trying to stop both Luffy and Usopp from stealing food and moved his finger. Even tho he wasn't hurt that much you still wanted to help, and you couldn't because your healing just wouldn't work. Clearly worried you were now sitting down trying to figure it out.

"Did this ever happened to you?" Zoro came and sat down next to you.

"No, what if I'm losing my powers?"

"That can't happen... I mean you can't just lose them. Maybe... it's because your training, maybe that lightning is in your way."


"Why do you sound so disappointed?"

"Well, I thought that maybe I can use lightning in a fight and be of some use..."

"But you don't have to fight, Luffy won't let you anyway."

"That is not for him to decide. They say Whisky Peak is a really friendly town, pirates are welcome and treated like celebrities. The thing is... we know that won't be the case in other towns or even whole islands..." you turned to him with your whole body now. "I need to get stronger so Luffy and everyone else can fight on their own, without worrying about me."

"You have a point, but if you can't do it, maybe it's better if you give up..."

"How many times did you give up?"


"So neither will I, you can't underestimate me."

With that you got up and went back to your practice. If it is true that the lightning is blocking your ability to use air you can just make sure you can control lightning and air, but in different times, on your thought, that will probably end up as a lot of work, but still it is the only idea you have for now.

Zoro went from his place too, on his training too, he did go and say something to Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday, he still doesn't trust them, even more he now thinks he heard about them, but just can't seem to place them. 

As the night came closer Zoro was more and more tired. He rarely slept at night, and if he did it was for a short time, but these days he didn't nap that much with training and then keeping an eye on you. He was feeling guiltier by the day it didn't matter that everyone 'forgive' him, it wasn't his fault ether way.

Cactus Island was in line of site, everyone was ready to dock. All night and morning was crazy, everyone, even weird guests were trying to do their best to just keep you on the track, storms were bad, bad. One second it was pouring rain and everyone was just sitting in their rooms, but the second later wind was trying to get Merry who knows where. Everyone running and trying to do their best, trying to get Merry on the right course, and everything that is important keep on the deck. But now it was calm again and you can see your destination.

The ship was now sailing in the middle of two parts of the island, river that goes through the island is perfect for docking inland and Nami was using it perfectly. Whole island was looking weird, like a Cactus... it seems like someone wasn't really creative with the naming. Mr.9 told Nami that the log pose needs about a day to set another location. Now stopping and docking to stay. The town was close, on the other side was what it seemed a graveyard.

"_____, don't go in the town, please... I don't want you to get hurt."

"Wednesday-chan? What do you-" 

She, together with Mr.9 jumped, jumped out and run, fast, fast, behind the town.

"I'm going after her, don't worry, I'll be back in an hour even if I don't find her."

"______!" Luffy yelled after you "Be careful, and don't be late. An hour!" And you ran after her.

Soon the crew was invited to the party, and everyone started to party hard.

You on the other hand were trying to find your new friend, first friend that was a girl your age, and you get along really well, why did she just run off... something is wrong, for sure.

What if Zoro was right? No, that can't be, she wasn't a threat.

The smells were all mixed and you couldn't made hers, it was just too many people close by.

You came back, to find the crew ether eating or drinking with a lot of people just swooning over them. Sanji was more than ecstatic to be in the middle of the pretty girls and Usopp was doing his share of fantasy in that domain. Nami and Zoro were drinking their asses off in some kind of competition with some townspeople. A bit depressed over loosing Wednesday you sat down with Luffy and started to eat. Meal after meal, well yours meals were different while Luffy was just drowning down the meat, you got sleepy, you saw others asleep too. Nami won the drinking game, while that was a complete surprise Luffy was like always stretched and full, now asleep, Sanji and Usopp drank and eat everything those girls gave them, stuffed they were sleeping too. Zoro was out before anyone else, drunk or so it seemed, you never noticed when he went down, but you never thought that he will go out that easy. Your eyelids heavy, last look around seeing everyone, even the townspeople, sleeping peacefully, you placed your head down and your body let down all defenses.


The next thing I knew was a smell of salty cactus...? and it was intense. Eyes wide open. Wednesday! She was close, or she walked past me just now.

Now running around following the smell, I ended up in the house. House was made of stone and small, smaller than Merrys deck and full of wanted posters.

On the right side was a cabinet, probably full of other wanted posters and a window. The wall on the left had a lot of hanged posters with a red X over the faces on the posters. The wall opostite of the door had a window and a few wanted posters, camming closer I can see some big names on them, one of them being Dracule Mihawk, memories came. Zoro! Where is he now I don't remember seeing him, but I wasn't looking for him either, so maybe I just didn't notice him. This place is a house of bounty hunter. Luffy has a bounty on his head! So do I! Oh no, I can't use my magic now, I need to get out.

Why is Wednesdays scent here? Is she the bounty hunter? But... she could take me out when I went after her. On the desk is Luffys wanted poster and some ashes were onder the table with a bit of another wanted poster. You recognize that picture, that was yours wanted poster. Did Wednesday burn down your wanted poster so that bounty hunter doesn't target you. But why leaveing Luffys? Was she interupted?

Chrashes were heard outside, shots fired, swords clashing, and a familliar moves yelled outloud.

Zoro was fighting the bounty hunter. I need to help him.

Little sister [Zoro x F!reader]Where stories live. Discover now