Chapter 15

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The Rescue Bots where looking everywhere for Bounce but all of sudden the saw him he was coming out of the sewer! And once he was out of the sewer they got him cornered. "Ok I've got a plan. That little scraplet isn't gonna roll away from us again" said Blurr "Say the word and I'm there" said Sideswipe as stood beside Blurr and was ready to catch the Mini-cone "Read?" said Blurr as he was going by his plan but bounce rolled away from them again but they're working with Blurr's new plan to try and catch the Mini-cone "Power up and engergize!" shouted as he and Sideswipe powered up there weapons. Blurr shoted out foam out of his weapon to make Bounce roll the other way while Sideswipe rapid his grabbling hoke around the light that made Bounce go same way that Blurr mad him go. Blurr's plan Is as close as they've come to catching Bounce. The Rescue Bots were thinking that Blurr was learning something about team. "So close! I know it's going to to take more than speed to catch this guy huh... I won't give up on catching that thing! I've got an even better idea this time! You know maybe Heatwave was into something when he said I shouldn't be rushing to the scene ... Blurr said to himself

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