Love is Forever (A Niall Horan fan fiction)

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I think I''m a good person. I follow the rules; I do what im told. Im 19, but i dont drink like most of the other kids in my grade. I dont stay out late at parties or get high with my friends. But their is one thing no one knows about me. My boyfriend is famous.

My name is Alli Stewart and i graduated high school. I have a very cute boyfirend and i am very-


Stupid phone.


"Hey babe."


OMG it's my super hot boyfriend!!! I can't believe hes calling me!!!!

"I miss you soo much! hows the tour? i hope not too many fans have tried to kiss you... Do you miss me? i love you!!"

"Alli slow down. Everytime i call you always talk a mile a minute. when do you have time to breathe?"

"Sorry its just i miss you so much!"

"Then i have good news for you"

His sweet irish accent was hypnotizing.

"ooooo What is it? Tell me!!!!"

"Turn around."

He was standing right behind me. I quick dropped my phone-who knows where it ended up?-and ran straight into his arms.

"Naill! oh my God what are you doing here? I've missed you! Wait i was just talking to you- how did you find me? Was the tour Fun? did-"

"Alli!! Breathe!" he cut me off, which i guess was a good thing because when i stopped he had to cathc me because i almost passed out.


Soon we were riding in his fancy car on the way to my house. I talked the entire way home- still forgetting to breathe. It seemed like all i could do was look at his beautiful, gorgeous eyes.

"This is where you live?"


Apparently he was shocked when he saw my small one-bedroom appartment.

"it's so small. are you sure you live here?"

"Yes Niall. Normal people live in small houses and not in fancy mansions."

Really Al the mansion card?

"I don't live in a mansion, but you're place sure makes it look like one."

His sweet beautiful eyes and his accent were so hypnotizing i couldn't help but lean in toward his face. Our noses were touching. He leaned down and at first lightly touched my lips but then he pressed harder- pushing me against the door. It felt so good to kiss him after two months.

As i opened the door and turned the light on i could tell he was shocked.

"It's even smaller on the inside."

"Niall! how many times are you going to judge my house?!"

"Sorry Al, it's just so damn small. Oops, okay, im done."

"Thanks." and i leaned forward and gave him another kiss on the cheek.

After a delicious dinner or cereal and three day old chocolate cookies, we crashed on the couch to watch an old movie marathon. Old movies- Yay! There so entertaining. Not. Soon, my head was resting on his shoulder and i was almost asleep. Well apparently he noticed because he then picked me up like a baby and carried me to the bedroom.

"But im not tired..." was all i could say

He kissed me on the cheek and laid me down. "You're such a liar, Al. Now go to sleep- I'll be here when you wake up." and after that he ripped off his t-shirt and climbed into bed with me.

"If i'm louder, would you see me? Would you..." and this is what i wake up to for the next two weeks. He's so cute when he sings and make breakfast at the same time. I guess when he figured out im not the best cook he decided he would. which i guess is good because he loves food.


"Good morning my sweet baby!!" -He is always so cheerful.

"What's on the menu for today? Waffles? Eggs? bacon?" i sat naming the food on the table. "Geez Niall you're gonna get fat!"

"Haha very funny. Food is yummy! and at least i can cook."

"oh so thats how you wanna play" i said picking up a piece of bacon and sticking it down his shirt.

"Ow! Ow! hey that's not funny that was a hot piece!!!" he siad as he tried to grab me/

"Haha you missed me!" and a waffle lands on his head.

Soon we were both covered and food and the stench of bacon was getting to me.

"I'm gonna go shower. and you should too."

I walk back to the bedroom and didnt close the door. Mistake. I peel of my syrup-stained swim shirt and my egg-covered nike shorts and dropped them on the floor.

Why didnt i close the door?

"Ah! Niall!"

"sorry Al, i-i didn't know you were changing." But he didn't look away. I didn't either. He took a step closer and put his arms around my waist.

" I love you."

"I love you too."

Then he leaned down and brushed my lips with his. Soon i felt his tounge on my bottom lip and i opened my mouth for him. This is why i love Niall. His kisses are always so warm and sweet.

Authors Note:

hey so othis is the first book i've ever written and i know it isnt the best but thanks for reading it! I try to update often so please
















-Lexi :)

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