Chapter 21

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Flashback to two years ago.

Dizzy and Tucker are still not on speaking terms.

Xapt Calibur has just gained a new member following Chance getting himself a new girlfriend.

His girlfriend's name is Cindy. The new member's name is Alfie.

They're the Kopa twins.

It's a stormy night, dark clouds loom overhead and lightning strikes from the sky. Occasional booms rattle Cole's house, the place Xapt Calibur is currently residing in for the night, and rain patters hard on the roof. The boys relax in Cole's wide living room, passing around a single cigarette. It's the last one in Dizzy's pack but the boys are itching for a drag.

Dizzy passes it over to the new boy with the light blonde hair first as a welcoming gift to him. He tentatively brings it to his mouth and slowly places his lips around it. It's obvious to everyone that he hasn't experience with smoking and Dizzy reaches over and takes the cigarette from the boy, who's name is Alfie.

"Like this," Dizzy says and lights the end of the cigarette. He inhales shortly and takes the cigarette away from his mouth before blowing out a cloud of smoke. He leans his back against the couch behind him as he sits on the ground and releases a sigh before handing the cigarette back to Alfie.

Alfie cautiously copies the steps that Dizzy showed him and inhales just a bit deeper than Dizzy had. Immediately after removing the cigarette from his lips, Alfie doubles over and has a coughing fit, gripping the carpet in his hands. The rest of the guys begin to laugh at the pathetic first attempt and Alfie regrets taking such a large inspire.

"Pass it over," Chance says and takes it from Alfie. After each of the boys has had their drag, Dizzy glances down at his phone and notices a message from an unknown number.

"What the fuck?" Dizzy says softly.

"What is it, Diz?" Chance asks and straightens up.

"I got a message three minutes ago," Dizzy says still looking down at his phone. "The number isn't saved in my phone."

Chance gets up from where he's sitting and crouches next to Dizzy, peering down at the small screen as he reads the message aloud.

"Ashworth Drive- be there ten o'clock tonight if you value your buddy, Chance," Chance reads and gasps. "Me? How does this person even know me?"

"How'd they get my fuckin' number?" Dizzy asks.

Alfie quickly darts his eyes away from the two decoding the mysterious message and doesn't say anything.

"What business do they have with Chance? And why are they taking it out on you?" Cole asks.

A million questions are flooding the brains of the young teenagers about the sudden text. But nobody knows what to do about it.

"Just ignore it," Chance says. "It's probably just someone tryna fuck with us. They should know we're not a bunch of bitches."

"I don't know," Dizzy says, scratching his head. "Something doesn't seem right."

"I wouldn't go if I were you," Cole says. "You don't know who that is."

Another message pops up on the screen and Dizzy instantly turns it over to shield it from Chance's view. He doesn't understand what is going on but in the back of his mind, he knows he's going to protect his friend.

I'm going to kill the mother fucker if u don't show ur face

"Jesus," Dizzy whispers to himself. He doesn't see any way out of the dreadful situation.

Who is this? Dizzy writes back.

"What's he saying now?" Chance asks and Cole looks over.

"Nothing," Dizzy mutters.

"You'd better not be considering showing up at that sketchy street, I'm telling you," Chance says. "I can assure you I haven't done anything lately to have any enemies. Whoever is on the other end is just tryna fuck with us. Just leave it alone."

Dizzy stays silent for a while, racking his mind for a reason not to go. He can't find one though because he'd rather protect Chance than save himself.

But Cole speaks up and interrupts his thoughts.

"You're awfully quiet," Cole says to Alfie.

"Oh," Alfie says. "I don't want to get involved in something like that. I don't want to tell him the wrong advice."

"Then why'd you join Xapt Calibur in the first place? That's the whole point of joining a gang," Cole says. "To have each other's backs."

Alfie doesn't reply and Cole shakes his head.

"Whatever," Cole says.

The clock strikes five minutes until ten and Dizzy rises, slinging his jacket around his shoulders.

"Diz," Chance warns. "Sit the fuck down."

"Don't worry," Dizzy says. "I'll be back soon. It's right down the street from here. I'll be fine so you better not tail me."

"If you come back with a single scratch on yourself, just know I'm going to beat you," Chance says. "Whosever on the other end is just using me as bait to get you there. Be careful."

"Mhm," Dizzy mumbles and exits Cole's home.

The rain pours heavily from the thunder clouds and soaks Dizzy's jacket within seconds of him stepping out of the door. He sprints with his head down, avoiding the rain that would otherwise get in his eyes and takes a left turn at the end of Cole's street. He's breathing heavily now and his feet stomp in the road that has become flooded with puddles of water and mud.

And finally after minutes of running, Dizzy arrives at Ashworth Drive. There's a large building that creates an alleyway and Dizzy enters it, pulling off the hood of his jacket as the roof of that building blocks the rain from falling. And the moment he stops running, he hears a voice.

"Didn't think you'd actually show your face."

Hi, thank you for reading! Let me know what you think (:

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