Chapter 25

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The spiral staircase that flows from just outside of Tucker's bedroom to the bottom floor creaks as the two boys run down them, occasionally grabbing onto the railing for stability. Their minds are both heavily focused on the movie that they're about to see together and they do not notice another presence lingering by the front door.

He stands with his hands shoved into the pockets of his gray uniform pants and leans against the doorframe with one eyebrow raised at the unusual pair standing before him. His left arm shines red with black ink in the shape of a rose. It's Chance's seventh tattoo now despite his father repeatedly telling him not to decorate his body. But his father lacks discipline so Chance does it anyway.

"Where are you two going?" Chance asks with his arms folded over his chest. "And in such a rush at that."

"Shit," Dizzy hisses under his breath as he almost collides with Chance's broad chest. He looks up at the taller boy with the icy eyes and racks his brain for an excuse while Tucker stays behind him.

Tucker quickly formulates an answer to Chance's question even though he is not one to lie.

"I'm bringing him home," Tucker offers and steps to Dizzy's side as Dizzy surprisingly fails to construct a lie. "He came here to see my mom, you know, because it's been a while, but she's not here."

"Ah, I see," Chance says and scratches his head. "I'll come for the ride then, Diz."

"Fuck," Dizzy says and sighs.

"Sorry, Milo," Chance corrects himself.

But Chance doesn't know that the source of the curse wasn't because of the old nickname. Dizzy was perplexed because he was supposed to go to the movies with Tucker but Chance seemingly ruined that plan.

Tucker awkwardly stands with his head bent down, unsure of what to do. Though, Dizzy breaks the awkward silence when he answers a call from an unknown number.

"Who's this?" Dizzy asks, neglecting to greet the person on the other end.

Tucker and Chance look over and watch with amused expressions as Dizzy seems to get angry.

"Delete my fucking number, Alfie," Dizzy says into the phone.

"Ohhh, shit," Chance says as his usual grin spreads across his lips.

"Hey, hey," Alfie says back. "I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie together."

Alfie's responses go unknown to the step-brothers as they're only able to hear Dizzy speak.

"A movie? Are you out of your mind?" Dizzy questions in disbelief. "So one plan backfires and now you're asking me?"

Alfie laughs softly. "You've forgotten, huh? About that deal we had. You know, the one where you said you'd take Tucker's place? And right now, it doesn't seem as if you're holding up your end of the deal so don't be surprised when I don't hold up mine."

"What's the idiot saying?" Chance asks Dizzy who hushes him with a wave of his hand.

"Fuckin' bastard," Dizzy seethes into the phone. "You'd better leave him alone or I won't stop where I did the last time we fought."

"Then come to the movies with me," Alfie says. "Simple as that."

"Leave me alone?" Tucker asks. "Let me talk to him."

Dizzy darts his eyes to the side where he stares at Tucker. But before Dizzy could react, Tucker grabs the phone from him and exchanges a piece of his mind with Alfie.

"Leave us the fuck alone... you fuck."

Tucker ends the call immediately after his gutsy statement and tosses the phone back to Dizzy who struggles to catch it after being shocked.

Chance then erupts with laughter and slaps the wall hard with his hand.

"What the hell was that?" Dizzy asks, unable to help the small smile that appears.

"Payback," Tucker says with a grin. "You did it to me earlier."

Dizzy laughs. "True."

And for a short while, all tension in the air subsides and the three boys share a moment of pure bliss.

Chance wipes his eyes from the tears that fall due to his laughter.

"Damn, Tucker," Chance says. "I didn't know you had it in you."

"Shut up," Tucker says. "I can handle things myself."

"You fuck," Dizzy says, grinning.

Tucker covers his face with his hand in embarrassment. "Shut uppp. I don't want to think about it."

"Wait a second," Chance says. "Weren't you supposed to go out on a date with Alfie tonight?"

"Oh God," Tucker sighs. "It was never a date. And I told him something came up."

"So you're over his bullshit, too?" Chance asks. "Well, that means we're all free tonight. What should we do about that?"

"I should probably get going," Dizzy replies. "My dad is probably waiting."

Tucker knows the truth behind the statement but Chance continues to go unbeknownst about Dizzy's abusive father.

"So what?" Chance questions. "It's still early."

"I know," Dizzy says and refuses to meet Chance's eyes. "I promised him I'd be home early tonight."

Tucker figures that statement is a lie because of the reason that they were originally planning on seeing a movie together. Unless he just remembered about his promise.

"Okay," Tucker says quietly. "I'll bring you back."

"Well, I guess I won't be accompanying you, bud," Chance says as he points down at his phone. "Cole wants me to go over."

"Have fun with that idiot," Dizzy says and follows Tucker out of the front door.

The two slide into Tucker's car and remain silent for a few minutes.

Until Dizzy decides to speak up.

"Tucker," he says.

Tucker quickly steals a glance at his childhood friend in the seat beside him as he takes a right turn.

"Yeah?" Tucker asks.

"Stay over."

Tucker sucks in a sharp breath.

"Your father-" he starts.

"He's not home."

Hi, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think (:

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