♡ Chapter 1 ♡

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Word count: 498 words

The day was normal for Nicky. He awoke to the sound of banging against the walls, which caused him to arise from his bed and check out what the noise was. Of course it was his older brother, Drax.

He had an issue with throwing himself into things, but Nicky was now awake. He walked back to his room and fixed his curls since they were messy from him sleeping on them.

Josiah, his younger brother, ran into the room causing Nicky to flinch a bit. "Nicky! Mom told me to make sure you're awake! Are you awake?" Josiah said which, to be honest, made him sound stupid. well, at least it would to anyone normal.

"I don't know, I think I am?" Replied Nicky who was genuinely confused, which was honestly sad. Josiah shrugged and waved his hand, "well wake up, if you're still sleeping." he said before exiting the room.

Nicky sighed softly and slipped on his outfit for the day which consisted of a white sweater, an olive green jacket, a gold chain around his neck, black jeans, black ankle socks and black and white converse shoes.

Nicky went down the stairs greeted by breakfast on the table although his mother had already left for work just a minute before he made it down, his dad was already gone a while ago, his older brothers are in high school right now and they both al...

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Nicky went down the stairs greeted by breakfast on the table although his mother had already left for work just a minute before he made it down, his dad was already gone a while ago, his older brothers are in high school right now and they both already left as well since school starts at a different time for them, it ends at a different time as well.

His younger brother left with his best friend Genesis, so he was the only one left at the house but that's normally because he wakes up late.

Nicky ate his breakfast quickly and grabbed his backpack which was sitting in front of the coat rack where everyone needed to put their bags and coats.

He left his house and walked to school. Once he entered the middle school he knew there wasn't much time before the bell rang, of course, he was right.

The bell rang throughout the now empty halls and he exhaled tiredly knowing he was late to class and he was going to get detention.

He stopped in front of the classroom door and debated on whether or not he wanted to enter, he finally decided on entering the classroom and pulled open the door, and entered the classroom.

He walked to his seat and flopped down his phone buzzing. Nicky already knew what it was- well more like, he already knew who it was, but he still checked it anyway. He opened the message and it was from someone with the contact name, "Kevin".

Nicky sighed knowing he wasn't getting let off easily

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Nicky sighed knowing he wasn't getting let off easily. He dropped his phone down beside him and leaned back in his chair.

He couldn't be bothered to try and pay attention to what the teacher was saying and soon found himself drifting off to sleep.

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