Nicky and Kevin were best friends. To almost everyone around them, that's all they were to themselves as well. Or maybe they were not as they seemed? Kevin, the smart nerd whose goodlooking. Nicky the class clown who gets along with everyone, how di...
Nicky was now at home he was extremely bored. Nicky decided to just post on his Instagram. So he took a selfie and posted it on his Instagram, the photo immediately being flooded with likes.
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Comments: Wildflowers- Nicky! You look so cute!! Can't wait to see you on Friday! 💕💗🥴😫 2h 15 likes Reply Not_Carson- Who tf is @wildflowers 2h 400.0k likes Reply Danny_boy- I was just wondering the same thing @notcarson 2h 47 likes reply Asian_Hater- His girlfriend. Duh. 1h 23.0k Likes reply Gayboy- 👀 1h 75.0k likes reply Rosita- He got a girlfriend? 2h 240.0k likes reply Random- No he doesn't have a girlfriend he's so fucking ugly. 1h reply
Nicky looked through the comments seeing his friends commenting on his page. He sighed and set his phone down plugging it into the charger before going to go shower. He let the water run down his skin, it was warm against his skin and he relaxed into it.
After about 23 minutes he finished since he made sure he cleaned throughly. He exited the shower wrapping his towel around his waist walking out of the bathroom his curls a mess. His phone began to ring.
He looked at it and saw his best friend Kevin was calling. He raised an eyebrow, Kevin almost never called first. He answered it putting it on speaker, "Hey-" he was cut off by Kevin speaking over him.
"I'm coming over." The call ended. Nicky was confused, "what? Why is he coming over? Does he know I'm home alone and now Is his chance to murder me...?!" Nicky worried.
He dropped his towel on the floor and picked out boxers to wear, he put them on his ankles, sliding them up letting them slap around his waist.
He grabbed his pants slipping them on along with a jacket since he didn't have a lot of time before Kevin showed up. He brushed out his hair as quick as possible.
The door opened. Kevin didn't knock because they have known each other since they were babies. Nicky walked down the stairs and looked at Kevin, "Kevin dude, why-" he was interrupted by Kevin putting his hand up Nicky paused and raised an eyebrow to question what he was doing.
Kevin squinted his eyes before he slammed Nicky against the wall his hand gripping around his neck, "Why didn't you delete that photo like I asked you?"
Nicky gasped once he was shoved into the wall his breath hitching once Kevin's fingers wrapped around his neck, he looked at him before putting his hand onto his wrist to pull his hand off, "stop-choking me!" He'd say shoving him off and laughing a bit, "I forgot about that." He'd say truthfully.
"Well delete it. Now." Kevin would say, he wasn't smiling which meant he wasn't kidding. Nicky nodded, "Okay. I got it. I'll delete it right now." He grabbed his phone and deleted the photo quickly.
"Good. I'm leaving then." Kevin would say Nicky stared in shock, "did you really come over here to choke me and then leave??" Nicky would say beginning to fake cry.
"Shut up, bitch." Kevin would say coldly. Nicky whined, "I'm not a bitch!" Kevin rolled his eyes sarcastically, "keep telling yourself that." He'd say In a snarky tone before leaving the house.
Nicky rubbed his neck where Kevin had wrapped his hand around. His neck tingled in that spot, he figured it was probably because he was losing feelings in his lungs.
Boy was he wrong.
so before I get any comments of any kind about, "AsianHater" it's an inside joke for her and her brother she is not a racist and she is herself Asian. Also yes this book will probably have smut- not a lot of it though. Cause no-! Okay! I'll fill you in on characters next time! See you guys in the next update!