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"So, you're saying these sudden personality changes are because he has dissociative identity disorder?" Joe asked as he looked at his foster son, who was staring into space. The doctor gave a small smile. "Yes. From what you've told me, Barry developed DID to deal with what happened to his parents and this particular alter is fronting more often to protect him from the bullying. It shouldn't be a problem although I would recommend transferring schools." Joe shook Barry slightly to get his attention. "Hey Bear, would you mind finishing high school in Ohio? I'm sure your cousin Jeff would love to see you." Barry just nodded in reply. Jeff Sterling was his cousin on his mother's side and went to Dalton Academy. Despite the physical distance between them, Barry and Jeff were pretty much like twins; they knew of each other's sexuality before they had officially come out. Not only that, but he had two secret boyfriends in Ohio that he'd met through his cousin. He watched his foster father finish talking to the doctor before following him out and heading home. He was on call with Jeff and Nick, Jeff's boyfriend, as he packed and got ready to move to Ohio where his life would soon be changed...

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