Pain of Death

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Harry watched with great Horror how Voldemort seemed to remember that he was there as well. His scream of "Don't touch him!", brought his attention right back to him.

"Harry Potter", said Voldemort and a shiver of fear run down Harry's spine. He had desperately wanted for Voldemort to drown in the cauldron and not to stand before him with a body that was more Serpentine than human.

"I can touch you now...", that simple sentence frightened Harry more than anything else ever had. When Voldemort's simple touch on his forehead, where his scar resided, him pain beyond anything gave, his fear grew. With him caged on the grave of Voldemort's father and his followers, how will he escape the madman?

The scream that fleed his mouth was traitorous and seeing Voldemort's delighted grin made him ill. When Voldemort finally lifted his fingers from his scar, Harry felt his magic within him running wild. He had never felt it more than he did now and he wasn't sure what it meant. His salvation? His saving grace? Or will it be his doom?

"Stand up, Harry, and we will have a proper duel. I'm sure you were thought how to duel at Hogwarts, weren't you? First, we bow before each other."

Harry wasn't nuts. He will not bow before Voldemort. He will fight him at every chance he got.

"Bow to death! I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners, now would he? Imperio!"

Fighting Voldemort's magic was harder than anything else. It was worse than fighting against Moody's Imperius Curse but he managed it at the end with only a half-bow.


The pain that came with the Curse was no surprise. But the strength of the Pain was what made him fall to his knees in pain. It was painful. He wasn't sure if he should describe it as jumping into a fire where every part of him burned and burned and never burned down.

His magic flew out of him in a surge of black mist, falling to earth as if it was black snow. The Curse of Voldemort stopped and he touched the snow curious, before turning around at the sound of screams and earth cracking.

Harry watched in horror how hands, daunt and skeletal, appeared out of the graves. He was sure he will have nightmares about the night. Watching Cedric Diggory's body standing up and throwing himself at Voldemort and his followers with a scream of: "Get to the Portkey, Harry, we will hold them off!", made Harry jump up and do just that. Voldemort's dark laugh and red eyes filled with amusement followed him back to Hogwarts grounds.

Throwing the Portkey away from him, Harry heard how a cannon went up and with that, the end of the Triwizard Tournament was announced. Watching the colours go up and people screaming his name made him ill and he threw up. He still managed to stay: "He's back! Voldemort is back!", to Dumbledore before Moody took him away, ordering everyone away from them.


Harry was numb through the whole next occurrences. Being asked if he saw what happened to Cedric made him spill the beans of watching him die by Pettigrew's killing Curse. He didn't need to say more, Dumbledore's grave eyes told him enough that Dumbledore knew of Voldemort's return. He also didn't say more. He never heard of people awakening the dead, otherwise, there wouldn't be any casualties from the last magical war. His parents would still be alive and Sirius free. No, Voldemort's laughter about his accidental magical outburst told him enough to know that it was something that the wizarding world should better not know. Should never know.

The weeks after the Triwizard Tournament didn't improve. They weren't worse, just not good. He was once again at the Dursley's and they left him alone, mostly. Dudley was the only one tormenting him nowadays.

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