The School Shopping Torture

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This isn't a part- well it is kinda.


Russia wakes up by the noises his siblings were making, he got up and groaned “Do we really have to go shopping?? ” his father nodded and dumped cold water on Russia making him scream. Russia got changed and went downstairs, he saw his siblings crying on his fathers feet, begging him to stop the torturing of school. Russia laughed. “where did I go wrong raising you little ones-” Soviet said groaning. Russia laughed and he grabbed his little siblings hands and they left for school shopping.

meanwhile with the other family-

America and Canada were trying to calm down each other and their little brothers, Australia and New Zealand.

“AUSSIE SAID WE'RE GOING TO DIE IN SCHOOL!” New Zealand cries out, “WE ARE GOING TO DIEEE!! ” Australia said running around panicking, making his little brother, New Zealand, cry. “WE'RE NOT GOING TO DIE!” Canada shouted out, “YEAH! WE AREN'T GOING TO DIE BUT WE'RE GOING TO SUFFER! ” America said shouting out hoping the brothers will calm down. But oh no no no no, that made them panic even more. “WE'RE GOING TO DIE SLOWLY KIWI! ” Australia said panicking. “BUT I'M TOO CUTE AND YOUNG TO DIE!! ” New Zealand said, Australia started to laugh instead of panicking.

Britain and France were standing there hoping the two older brothers will figure this out but, nope they were wrong. The parents sighed but laughed a bit at the Chaos. “when are we going to shop now-” America said, Britain and France looked at each other and shrugged, they then both said “Until all of you guys are settled down a bit, then we'll go shopping” Canada and America both nodded and then went back to working on calming down the little brothers

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