Part 2, Russia's victory

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Russia was studying before school started, when he moved into his roomates the school said they'll give them a three day break. They had to get to know each other, that's why they got the three day break. Russia mostly knew them already, but he choosed to study rather than getting to know them more.

He got up and puts on his boots. He grabbed a book and he read the book while he was going to walk around the campus, trying not to forget the directions and classes. He put his book away and kept looking around, he wasn't paying attention and he bumped into someone tall. “Sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going” Russia said. He then looked up and his eyes widen. It was America.

He got a bit scared, Russia thought Ame is a rude guy. America looked down at Russia and he gently smiled, “It's alright! Watch out next time alright?” Russia nodded, his roommates China, Finland, and North Korea. China and North Korea were the most tallest roommates, Finland was a few inches shorter, while Russia was the smallest. China walked up to America, “DON'T YOU DARE FLIRT WITH THE RUSSIAN! ”  “DO THAT AGAIN AND I'LL NUKE YOU! ” North Korea yelled out. Finland was just watching, he got out his sniper and he aimed at America. America was all confused now. 

Since Russia was short he thought that his roommates are treating him as a baby. China pats Russia's head, “Don't worry papa will protect you-”  Russia got triggered, America started to laugh. “I KNEW IT!! YOU GUYS ARE TREATING ME LIKE THIS BECAUSE I'M SHORT” he shouted out. America laughed even more, he rested his arm on Russia's shoulder. “You can be my armrest-”  Finland aimed his sniper at America, “Get your hands off the child. ” Russia got even more mad. He stomped away, America and the boys started to laugh.

Russia came back with a mob of girls, “LADIES!! THERE'S AMERICA!! ATTACK HIM! ”

America got scared and he immediately ran away all scared. Russia and the boys then started to laugh.

Russia has won his victory now

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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