Chapter 6: In Which Nothing Is As It Seems

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~Lili's POV~

I groaned as my alarm clock beeped, awakening me from my deep slumber. Was it all just a dream? I looked out the window, seeing if the branch on the tree I had climbed in and out of my room in the dream was broken. Sure enough, the branch lay splintered on the ground, destroyed by my re-entry into my room. "So it wasn't a dream..." I muttered sleepily to myself. I suddenly realized something: There was no school today! I happily walked downstairs, where Vash had prepared me a chocolate chip waffle. I ate it quickly, and headed upstairs to my room to text Natalya. I then picked up my phone, which displayed a new message from Natalya. Smiling widely, I opened the message.

NatalyatheGreat: Wanna go to the mall today?

LilisFondue: Sure! Where should I meet you?

NatalyatheGreat: Look outside your window.

I looked out the window and sure enough, Natalya was looking up at me, waving. I quickly texted her again

LilisFondue: Coming right out.

I got changed, grabbed my purse, and hurried downstairs. "Going to the mall!" I told Vash, and ran out the door to greet Natalya without giving my brother a chance to respond.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Chocolate Waffles~

After about 20 minutes of walking, Natalya and I finally arrived at the mall. "Where do you want to go first?" she asked me. I shrugged. "I don't know, where do you wanna go?" "Let's start at the end we are in, the western quadrant, and head clockwise." I grinned "Sounds good to me." As long as I'm with you, I added in my head, before scolding myself. Stop, brain! That makes it sound like we're in love! And I'm supposed to love boys! "You coming?" Natalya's voice halted my thoughts. "Y-yes, of course!" I stuttered awkwardly as she grabbed my hand and whisked me away. "Then let's move out!"

The first store we went in sold band tees from all around the world. Natalya insisted on buying me an Erben der Schöpfung shirt I swore I didn't need. The next store was an occult store. I bought Natalya a book on how to contact spirits that she had her eye on. We continued going from store to store until it was time for lunch. As I chewed on my bourbon chicken, I began to think about how beautiful Natalya was. I tried to ignore these thoughts, but they continued to nag me. As I tried to shoo the thought away, another phrase popped into my head. You, my dear, appear to have fallen for the wrong person, Francis had said. Could he have been right, and I really was falling for her? Granted, that would have been the only thing he was ever right about. But we were both girls! What does this mean! Okay, calm down, Lili. You saw that Ludwig and Feliciano were in love, and they were both boys! Your crush on Natalya can't be that bad. "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" Natalya interjected. I looked up, surprised. "Umm, nothing!" I babbled. Natalya raised an eyebrow quizzically, but said nothing. We continued to eat in silence.

By the time we had finished eating lunch, it was almost time to go. After browsing a few more stores, Natalya and I headed towards the exit. Near the exit sat a large, deep pool with a tall water spout in the middle. Around the large spout was several smaller ones. I grinned goofily as I thought of the resemblance between the blue water and Natalya's blue eyes. As we approached the exit, Natalya turned to me. "Hey, I really had fun today." I grinned. "Me too." Our faces were inches apart. Natalya moved hers closer and closer and-

My eyes flew open. I was back in my room. What a strange dream I had! The weirdest part is that there's no one at my school named Natalya. As I thought about my dream, I felt a shadow looming over me. Vash was standing in the doorway. "Good morning Lili, time to get ready for school!" I grunted, pulling myself out of bed. I completed my morning routine quickly, and walked downstairs. Vash put down the newspaper and greeted me. "How did you sleep, Lili?" I grinned. "Very well. I had the strangest dream." "That tends to happen." Vash said, handing me my toast. I ate it quickly, grabbed my bag, and headed to school. As I walked, I felt someone sneaking up behind me. I rolled my eyes, amused. "I know you're there, Elizabeta." "Aw man." sulked the brunette in question. Then, she got over it. "I had the strangest dream last night. Everyone at our school was actually the personification of countries. How weird is that?" I snickered "My dream was weirder." I then summarized my strange dream for Elizabeta. As I finally finished, she asked a question. "Did I sing any villainous songs, being the villain?" I rolled my eyes. "No, you did not." As we entered the school, we were suddenly interrupted by three idiots running towards us. I laughed. "Morning, Gilbert. Morning, Antonio. Morning, Francis." Elizabeta, however, frowned. "Why didn't I see you boys on the way here?" "Gilbert over here said he heard a baby bird crying in the woods, so we took a shortcut through there. Turns out he was right." explained Francis. Gilbert then held his hands out to show a small yellow bird. "Gilbird fell out of his nest, zee poor thing." Elizabeta tsked. "Real narcissistic of you to name it after yourself." Gilbert stiffened. "I'm only naming him zhat so he vill be awesome like vee!" I quickly defused the situation. "Is that even allowed at school?" Gilbert opened his mouth to give a sharp response when the 5 minute warning bell rang. Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio said goodbye and headed in the direction of their class. "Vhis isn't over, though!" Gilbert added as Elizabeta and I rounded the corner towards our Language Arts class.

We arrived in class and took our seats. After a couple of minutes, our teacher, Ms. Braginskaya, walked to the front of the room, another student in tow. "Class," she began, clapping her hands together, "we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The teen turned to the front, and removed their hood. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Прывітанне, my name is Natalya Arlovskaya."

~The End~


Chapter 6 is here! I can't believe I finished this story in one summer. I may not upload until September, since school starts soon! Thank you for reading to the end, and as always, Remember to Vote!



Прывітанне- Hello

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