Chapter 1: The Fiasco Begins

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~Lili"s POV~

I groaned as my alarm clock beeped, awakening me from my slumber. Yawning, I rolled out of bed, and a terrifying realization dawned on me. It was the first day of high school! This may be terrifying on its own, but the fact that I don't have any friends other than my brother, Vash, made it ten times worse! I quickly got ready, and headed to breakfast. My brother had already prepared me some toast with butter and my favorite blueberry jam. As I took my seat at the table, Vash set down the newspaper he was reading. "You remember the safety protocols for school, yes?" he inquired. He went on to drill me on them. "Do not accept food or other substances from strangers, do not skip class with mysterious kids, do not lose your phone, do not take other people's phone numbers without consulting you, and report any bullying to the teacher!" I dutifully recited. A ghost of a smile crept over my brother's face "Very good, Lili. Now head off to school, any longer and you'll be late." I suddenly realized the time, grabbed my toast, and ran out the door.

~Time skip brought to you by the old "Running to school with toast in mouth" cliche~

Phew! I luckily made it to class with five minutes to spare. As I entered my first period, I realized that it was mixed grades. Oh noes! I thought What if an older student tries to pick on me? I'm only 16! I'm too young to dieeeee! I noticed an older brunette heading towards me, mouth curved up in a smirk. I was literally in this room two seconds and someone already has a vendetta. "Well, well, well, look what we have here." the older girl hissed. My epic, awesome comeback? "Meep!" I squeaked in fear. Yeah, real meme-worthy. "Relax kid, I'm just messing with you. The name's Elizabeta." She held out her hand. "Um, I'm Lili." I stammered back, and shook it feebly. "No need to be afraid kid, I'm just a junior! I only bit somebody once, and that idióta deserved it!" Elizabeta proclaimed. She must have realized that the whole "biting someone" thing had scared little ol' me, as she immediately clarified."Relax, I was pulling your leg!" she cackled. All of a sudden, I heard a mysterious sound. Boing, Boing, Boing. "Hey, what's that noise?" I asked Elizabeta. "Oh, the teacher's coming" she replied "Stand against the wall, and she will assign you a seat." Elizabeta then headed off to her seat.

 All of a sudden, the teacher burst in, her huge chest bouncing with every step, and headed to the front of the room. "Hello, my little петунії, and welcome to Russian Literature 1. I am Ms. Braginskaya, and I will be your teacher." She glanced over at yours truly "Oh hello, new friend! Please introduce yourself to the class!" I put on a smile to hide my fear. "H-hello, my name is Lili Zwingli." I stammered. A murmur spread through the class. They were all probably remembering something terrible my brother did. While he may be protective of me, he will try to murder anyone who so much as looks at him the wrong way. "Okey dokey Lili, you can take a seat over there." Ms. Branginskaya gestured to a seat near the window. In the desk next to it sat an older girl with gorgeous platinum blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. She suddenly looked up from her bow."Take a picture, it'll last longer." she snarled, and then resumed fiddling with her bow. "Ok, class! Time to read War and Peace!" Ms. Braginskaya chirped "Slide to your partners!" Blonde groaned, before grabbing my desk and pulling it towards her. "I'll go get the book" I volunteered. Blonde only grunted. After getting the book, I plodded back to my desk. As I sat down and opened the book, a blonde haired boy with glasses and a soda approached Blonde's desk. The boy cackled and splashed the soda on Blonde's bow. "Hey Psycho, whatcha gonna do about it, huh? Wouldn't want to get expelled like you did at your last school, would you?" Blonde simply glared, before throwing the book at his face. 

Rude Glasses Kid screamed like a little girl, and ran to the teacher. "Teacher! Teacher! Psycho threw the book at my face!" Ms. Braginskaya glared at Blonde "Natalya, lunch detention for you. You need to stop bullying Alfred! When will you learn that your actions have consequences!" So her name was Natalya. What a pretty name, I thought to myself, A pretty name for a pretty girl. I groaned inwardly and pushed the thought out of my head. I quickly grabbed paper towels and wiped the soda off the desk. Natalya looked up, and when our eyes met, I had a funny feeling. What is this new feeling? I wondered. "Come on, we don't have all day!" Natalya said, interrupting my thoughts. I apologized, and began to read chapter one out loud.

~Time skip brought to you by Leo Tolstoy~

At lunch, Elizabeta invited me over to eat with her, and introduced me to her friends, Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert. As we began talking, I decided to ask more about Natalya. "So, guys, I met this girl in first period named Natalya." As the name I just said sank in, everyone's face turned a shade of ghostly white.


Whew, I finally finished the first chapter! Chapter 2 should be done between one and two weeks. Also, my Youtube channel is Ranger8822 as well, so check it out for more content!


Names (For those of you who don't know):




Ms. Branginskaya/Katyusha-Ukraine







Петунії-petunia (I could not find the plural form)

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