I didn't mean to break you...

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Weighted treads sounded behind thin walls; a handle jiggled. The sound traveled to the unsuspecting girl, letting out choked out screams as she was unable to use her other two senses.

A loud noise resonated making the girl jolt in anticipation and fear. A screeching sounded upon the concrete and footfalls followed. They tapped against the cold, barren floor as the screeching stopped, but the steps continued until the sound got farther away from her, she flinched with each step her captor took.

"You have some visitors who would like to see you," A feminine voice whispered. The sound seemed distorted and unnerving in her ears. The only answer received was muted sobs. The voice let out a broken laugh it sounded as if she was suffocating or something had pierced her throat.

Her hands felt hot, wet, and glutinous. Something was repealing the oils in her fingers, giving her skin a rubber-like texture. Her body was encased in the wet, warmth. Her breathing heightened, turning into short huffs, and her vision turned carmine.

"Something wrong?" the voice asked in false interest. Feeling cold hands play with the knot of the blindfold the girl trembled, her fingers twitched against the rough texture of the wood, her barefoot slid across the cold, smooth surface of the floor, and against its restraints. She let out an anxious breath, the smell of the room was putrid, the stench had been composed of decaying flesh, rotten eggs, and spoiled cabbage. On top of that was a mothball like odor, human waste, and the scent of garlic.

The bright light hurt her eyes, making her squint until she gave her eyes a chance to adjust to harsh lighting. When her eyes reopened, they were met with the cause of the putrid stench. Two people in oxidized metal chairs had been sat down in front of her, one male and the other female. The way they were displayed made her pupils contract, her stomach reeled, and her throat gagged at the revolting scene.

The males head had been removed, allowing the blood to cover the top half of his shirt. His shirt had been unbuttoned, his organs removed and emptied upon his lap, enabling them to reach the ground in a grotesques mess. While the women's bottom jaw was missing, blood covered the upper part of her face, her top teeth had been removed and placed into her left palm. The skin on her left forearm been torn to shreds and took on various shades of yellow, purple, and red. The bone was broken and had pierced through the skin, allowing it to take a distorted shape. The skin on her right hand had been meticulously removed to show the bone, but it still had just enough muscle to hold it together. Therein her lap sat the head of the decapitated man his eyes and tongue removed. Their bodies had been disfigured and destroyed; not an inch of their skin wasn't wounded or distorted.

Her stomach started tying itself in knots, twisting, and turning in pain rhythmically. Bile began to fill her mouth until she couldn't bear the taste and began to spill the contents of her stomach into the gag.

"Emmi dear is something wrong?" the owner of the voice leaned her head down over Emmi's shoulder to watch her with a wide smile. When Emmi's stomach had finished emptying onto the floor and herself, she glanced over at her face. Her captor had blackened hair, sun-kissed skin, and dull light green eyes with dark purple bags under them and for a split-second, Emmi could have sworn that her teeth had been tinted in blood from a fight.

Emmi didn't answer her, she only looked at her with growing as tears threatened to fall from her steal-colored orbs. She noticed the woman's arms had been wrapped up tightly in gauze that looked like they hadn't been changed in weeks, she reached up to play with a strand of Emmi's gold spun hair affectionately. She was wearing a tank top and shorts despite how cold it was and how much gauze was coiled around her skin like several white snakes.

"Here, let's get rid of this," she giggled, removing the vomit drenched fabric from her lips allowing strings of said substance to follow it.

"why...why me," Emmi asked with unsteady breaths, tears flooded her eyes and liquids dripped down her chin as she let out broken sobs.

"Hey now, don't cry, would you like something to eat?" She countered, avoiding the question entirely, giving her a broken smile with her decaying teeth right before she vanished from her sight.

Her hair felt like it had been matted into large clusters regardless of her never touching. Soft yet rubbery skin-like feel grazed her digits. Despite its cold feeling, they lingered there, in some sense of remorse. Digits swept past the cold, smooth surface, into silk-like strands as she played with a small mass of it.

Soft treads broke Emmi out of her trance they had been so different to from the weighted steps from before. When she looked up, she was met with the sight of the bandaged coiled woman. She walked closer to Emmi with a plate held delicately between her fingertips as she walked closer, Emmi's figure shook with terror as a flash of red and white passed by her vision and vanished as quickly as it came. The woman set the plate down on a small table that sat a little bit behind Emmi.

"Here you go," she said when she pulled out the table so that it was in Emmi's complete flew of vision.

"Hey, can I ask you a few questions," Emmi looked at the food her captor placed down incredulously.

"Shoot," She replied.

"What's your name,"

" Call me Jae," She replied with no absolute hesitation.

"Where am I," Emmi's voice shook.

"In an estate basement, in a remote location," She answered

"Remote?" She asked, pushing her luck.

"It's not my estate if it was, I would tell you," She responded.

"Are...Are you being honest with me," She asked hesitantly.

"Yes, after all, I have no reason to lie to you, but enough chitchat it's time for you to eat we can't have you starving now can we," Emmi looked down at the cooked meat and the red sauce that had been slathered over it, realizing she had prolonged long enough and her empty stomach growled in hunger.

"B... But I can't not in front of them and the smell." was Emmi's quick reply. Jae gave her a confused looked and a taunting smirk.

"What do you mean," She asked her.

Emmi looked in front of her the corpses weren't there, she took in a shaky breath. The horrid foulness that had once consumed her, that had consisted of rotting flesh, rotten eggs, and spoiled cabbage, a mothball like odor, human waste, and the scent of garlic dissolved. Substituted by the fragrance of lilacs and roses yet a garlic smell, still faintly lingered under it.

"But...But they were right here," Emmi muttered in disbelief.

"I moved them when I went to get you something to eat. Don't you remember?" Jae explained in a teasing tone, it was off, different, not normal. The way she looked and the way she talked sounded familiar.

"Jae can't be your real name," Emmi mutter dejectedly looking down at her feet and the cold grey concrete, her eyes like blank voids. " So, you have been lying to me,"

"No, I haven't Jae is a name and it is mine it's just not my first." Her voice was calm even and shattered as if they were overlapping each word and sound, she made, Jae's eyes narrowed at Emmi, her face fell into one of disgust. "Emmi, why do you keep stalling? Why won't you eat?"

"I still don't trust you," Emmi's voice wavered. Jae let out a sigh, Emmi still refused to look at her something shifted as they were talking. She didn't want to look; she was too afraid too. Jae's steps were soft and slow. Emmi watched her bandaged coiled feet walk over to the table and saw a glint of sliver through the strands of her hair. Emmi's body tensed as Jae forced her to look her in the eyes. They had been glazed over in death yet still retained its light green color.

"Understandable, after all, you have been drugged, kidnapped and are in an estate basement, in a remote location that I only know the layout of." she looked at her with lidded eyes. "It's only natural to be untrusting to the one who you presume to have kidnapped you. And what I'm about to do isn't going to help our trust issues either." 

After Infatuation Book 1Where stories live. Discover now