**1K Special** If Kirishima Could Tell Her

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This has no relation to the story as it is simply a special one-shot. However, this takes place after the USJ attack. Instead of Y/N getting gravely injured, it is Izuku and he is in a coma. Y/N and Izuku are not all that close and she wishes they were.

The night air was cold as Y/N sat alone on the roof of the hospital. It has been ten days since the attack on the USJ and ten days since she and her brother last spoken. He was currently in a room with wires and needles sticking out of him as he tries to survive and stay alive. She sighed and looked up to see a shooting star pass by but she knew her only wish wouldn't come true anytime soon.

Her hair gently flew in the breeze as the door suddenly opened, revealing a worn-out Kirishima with an acoustic guitar on his back. "Y/N? What are you doing out here? You are going to catch a cold if you don't go back in soon," He said in a worried tone as he peels off his jacket to place around the smaller girl.

"What's the point? It's not like that will make Izuku come back any sooner. It's been a week...a week since I last talked to him and a week since he saved me from Shigaraki..." she hugged herself closely before continuing. "We barely even knew each other. I...I grew up with my dad while he stayed with our mom. They got divorced when we were four and they split us up. Dad gave up custody on me so I'm living with him and our mom but even in the year we have known each other, he still barely knows me...and I barely know him."

Her voice was filled with pain as tears threaten to spill over. She hugged herself tightly and buried her nose in the crook of Kirishima's jacket. It smelt faintly of chocolate and that weird orange soda he usually drank when he wasn't slurping down protein shakes. Kirishima noticed this and smiled slightly before pulling his guitar to the front of his body. "You know...your brother and I talked about you...I MEAN IN A GOOD WAY!!! But yeah...he knew a lot more about you than you realize..." he trailed off to recover from the awkwardness in the air.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Why wouldn't he have brought it up then?"

"Well...he didn't want to...I mean, I would have if he did but yeah...he thought you were awesome...he even wrote a song for you to play..."

She looked over at him confused and loosened up some before scoffing. "He thought I was awesome? ...My brother?"

"Definitely!" Kirishima said as he smiled brightly with slightly tinted cheeks and a fist pumped in the air.

She narrowed her eyes and leaned closer to him. "How?"

Kirishima turned bright red before clearing his throat and strumming a few notes. "Well...He said, There's nothing like your smile: Sort of subtle and perfect and real... He said, you never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel..."

He smiled at Y/N who stared up in awe. "And he knew, when you get bored you scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans," He looked pointedly at her jeans with stars all over them and smirked. "And he noticed you still fill out the quizzes they put in those teen magazines..."

Her face turned bright red as she tried to deny it. He smiled at her silliness and continued. "But he kept it all, inside his head. What he saw, he left unsaid... and though he wanted to... He couldn't talk to you. He couldn't find the way, but he would always say..."

He looked up at her with warm eyes and continued. "If I could tell her...Tell her everything I see. If I could tell her how she's everything to me, but we're a million worlds apart. And I don't even know how I would start If I could tell her... If I could tell her..."

He continued strumming for a few seconds before Y/N chirped up, "Did he say anything else?"

Kirishima paused and looked at the small, ready-eyes girl. "Uh, about you?" He asked slightly caught off guard.

"Never mind, I don't really care-" She said quickly as she started to get up before being interrupted.

Kirishima grabbed her wrist to stop her. "No, no, no! It's just he said so many things, I'm trying to remember the best ones!"

She finally turned around and sat back down, this time giving her full attention to him as he continued, "He thought, you looked really pretty- Er," He coughed quickly before continuing. "Uh, It looked pretty cool when you put indigo streaks in your hair."

Y/N smiles at the memory from the mall. Her and Todoroki stopped at a random store when they got lost and he bought the hair chalk for her to make up for how expensive lunch was. "He did?!" She asked excitedly.

Kirishima chuckled slightly nervously before nodding and continuing. "And he wondered how you learned to dance like the rest of the world isn't there..." Y/N blushed which made him smile before he started singing again. "But he kept it all inside his head. What he saw, he left unsaid..."

Both their faces grew solemn as Kirishima sang on. "If I could tell her, tell her everything I see! If I could tell her, how she's everything to me..."

"But we're a million worlds apart," Kirishima and Y/N sang together with her voice being much softer than his.

"And I don't know how I would even start...If I could tell her!" Kirishima sang before strumming more passionately. "If I could tell her! But what do you do when there's this great divide?"

"He just seems so far away..." Y/N sang a bit louder before Kirishima strummed a bit harder to continue. 

"And what do you do when the distance is too wide?" 

"It's like I don't know anything..." Y/N sang more softly this time. 

Kirishima suddenly felt a major burst of energy and passion as he gained the courage to sing the next part. "And how do you say... I love you...I love you...I love you...I love...you..." He slowed down to a soft strum as his voice got a bit smaller before continuing. "But we're a million worlds apart. And I don't know how I would even start...If I could tell her...If I could..."

Kirishima slowly ended the song to see how he and Y/N were a lot closer than before. He stared into her bright green eyes in wonder and amazement as he let out a slow, shaky breath. He began to lean in slowly before the door to the roof opened revealing a disheveled nurse. "Miss Y/N!! He...he is awake!!" She said as she gasped for air. 

Y/N shot up in shock, her hair bouncing along with her. "Really?! I'll be right there!" She turned to Kirishima and placed a short but sweet kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for that Kiri! I'll see ya!!" 

She quickly ran off behind the nurse, her flannel and hair were flowing in the wind behind her in a green haze. Kirishima sighed and touched the cheek she kissed gently. He then scowled and groaned before slowly standing in defeat. "Agh, I was so close too...maybe one day she will understand how I feel...one day..." He muttered up at the sky before slinging his guitar over his shoulder and walking back into the hospital. 


A/N: This was 1259 words! In case anyone couldn't tell, Kirishima is a possible suitor at the end of this book! I dedicated this chapter to him as each character is going to have his or her special moment with Y/N before I put up a part where it shows who is in our reverse harem-type deal. Enjoy this and I'll see y'all next week!

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