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a/n: this oneshot takes place when Overhaul first appears in the manga/anime! there are some different things though. also, the reader is part of the Shie Hassaikai (their job is similar to Chrono's) and they have a quirk.

Quirk name: Platforms

Description: the user can create floating platforms at will using pieces of material that are surrounding the area. only the user can stand on these platforms though, so if a non-user steps a foot on the platforms, the surface immediately falls to the ground. it's the same result if the user and a non-user is standing on the platform. the weight of material that is able to be lifted depends on the user's current energy, so for example, if the user is extremely tired, they can't lift that much. they also have to focus to let the material continuously float in the air.

"Uh, Overhaul, sir, shouldn't we be evacuating the scene by now? We've got the money, and I have a feeling that the cops might be coming soon..."

I asked the Yakuza leader softly, stumbling over my words slightly, which was uncharacteristic of me. I was usually quite confident and well-worded around the man, but seeing his unhinged expression unnerved me.

As we stood in front of the blazing fire with some of the chosen expendables standing around us, Overhaul's eyes were wide, his arms and fingers twitching ever so slightly at his sides. The fire cast a dark shadow over his face, making him look ominous.

"We should skidaddle soon, huh? ...Overhaul-?"

A bold voice then sounded from behind the Shie Hassaikai capo, and I noticed that Chrono was perched on the top of a traffic light, (Wait, how'd he get there in the first place-?) his legs scrunched up against his chest. The position he was sitting in looked uncomfortable, and I wanted to call out to him, but I was hesitant. I didn't want to annoy Overhaul, who hated people who were noisy. If I annoyed Overhaul... well, to say the least, I'd probably end up as a splatter of red guts against the dark cement of the road.

Overhaul then sighed, ignoring Chrono and I as he tapped the side of his leather plague mask. The action created a hollow clunking noise that could barely be heard over the crackling and popping of the dancing fire that engulfed the truck of the poor thieves we had caught stealing some money from the nearby store downtown. The Yakuza leader leaned his head to the side, his thumb moving to rub over the golden lining of the mask.

"They're all sick. What they need is a cure."

"...Of course."

Nemoto said from my left, his head dipping respectfully as he acknowledged his leader. To Overhaul's right, Katsukame let out a low growl of agreement, his bare shoulders flexing. I then heard Overhaul hum under his mask, obviously pleased with the feedback he was getting.

"I'm so glad to hear that there's at least some... sane people here. Now come on, let's go. Mimic'll probably have a fit once he finds out we did something interesting without him."

The masked Yakuza then turned, walking slowly back to where we came from, his white sneakers making tiny pattering noises against the road. I nodded in response, about to follow after Overhaul when a hesitant voice spoke up,

"Wait, Overhaul, I uh... can't get down from here..."

The whole group looked up to Chrono, who was looking down at us with trembling shoulders. I could see his hands gripping tightly on the traffic light pole as he struggled to slide down from the high spot, and Overhaul huffed, waving an impatient hand toward me.

"Y/N, go and help him get down from there.. your quirk is best suited for it anyway. You two will just have to catch up to us."

The Shie Hassaikai leader said dismissively, his hands moving to adjust his plague mask, pushing it farther up the bridge of his nose. He beckoned to the rest of the Shie Hassaikai, and they walked past us. I pursed my lips, and then glanced once again up at Chrono.

I wasn't all that close to Chronostasis, but I guess he was a nice guy. He was a lot less harsher than Mimic, who liked to spend his free time yelling at me whenever I slipped up on my duties.

"Listen, I'll grab you when I hop up there, okay? Just hold on tight to me."

I called up to Chrono, closing my eyes as I focused energy in my hands. I could feel materials tugging toward me, and I dragged my hand through the air. Almost immediately, pieces of metal from the flaming wreckage that weren't on fire were floating in the air, forming platforms that lead up to the traffic light.

I hopped onto the first piece, the metal part trembling a little under my weight as I stumbled.

"This'll be a bit difficult, huh?"

I muttered to myself as I climbed up onto the next part. As I made my way up to Chrono, I could hear him shouting words of encouragement to me. It was strange to hear him yell 'You can do this!' when he was usually a quiet man with a gun that just followed Overhaul around, obeying his orders with no question at all.

When I finally reached him, I held out a hand to him, and I watched as he hesitantly reached out to clasp his hand in mine. I was wondering why he was so nervous when I realized it.

Chrono wasn't used to having to rely on someone; he was going to be uncomfortable with me holding him.

"Hey, it'll be alright. It's fine to rely on someone once in a while..."

I reassured him, smiling at him though I knew that he'd probably never know that I did, since there was that pesky plague mask that I had on in the way.

"...I suppose so..."

Chrono said slowly, then he scooted forward to wrap his arms around my neck. I had to admit, it was a bit awkward as I brought him into his arms. Fortunately, he wasn't heavy at all; in fact, he was really light.

Making sure that he was secure in my arms, I squeezed him a little, making him squawk in indignation. Chrono's bird mask faced me, and I could practically feel his angry gaze burning me through the dark goggles of his plague mask.

"Don't do that!"

He snapped, the tip of an arrow head starting to peek out from the side of his hood, and I quickly nodded, not wanting to get stabbed by his hair.

"A-Ah, yeah, sorry-"

I hastily made my way down, causing Chrono to hang onto me for dear life, his arms nearly strangling me as he buried his mask into my chest. When we reached the bottom, Chrono was still hanging on me like a koala, his body trembling against mine.

"Uh... You can get down from me now..."

I awkwardly said, my arms starting to feel a bit sore from supporting a grown man in my arms, and Chrono let out a noise of surprise, immediately jumping out of my arms. He let out a nervous chuckle, before sighing and rubbing the side of his arm with his other.

"...Sorry. Anyway, thanks for the lift - wait, I mean, pick up? I don't know, I'm just rambling here-"

I laughed, my eyes shutting as I smiled widely at Chrono's words. He was just so cute whenever he was flustered (which wasn't often), and in the back of my mind I wished I could see his facial expressions right now. I imagined that he had a flush spreading across his pale cheeks, dark eyes flitting around as he struggled to come up with more words to say.

"It's fine, let's just go. If we don't hurry up, Overhaul will end up shutting us out of the base for a day."

I said, grabbing his hand without thinking, and I heard Chrono splutter a little under his mask, clearly shocked.


He started to say, but suddenly decided against it as he let me drag him along to catch up to the rest of the gang.

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