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My name is Brittany and I live in a world no one else would ever understand,

my parents don’t give a shit about me, and the only people I can trust is my friend Angie and my sister Selena.  I just don’t know what to do, right at this point my life sucks.  I have attempted suicide twice but I did not succeed,I wish sometimes I would have though.

Yeah I know this is really intense but what am I supposed to do,this is my life,I am a cutter.  I just wish all of my hurt would just end.  I am forever alone...

I have tried dating but it seems like  there is no one for me and that I am just meant to be alone.  “Why, why did this all have to happen to me?  Why do I have to be such a burden on people?”,two main things I think of constantly.  Even my parents friends think I am crazy.  So I don’t even know why the hell I even try to impress people, because obviously nothing I do will ever please anyone.  I just want to end it all but if I did then I just know that everyone would do exactly what I have always contemplated,they will just celebrate.  Maybe just maybe it would be better if I wasn’t here anymore.

Should I just give them What they all have wanted for so long?  I don’t know it is just so hard for me.  My parents have been just abnormal since I got older,they just can’t handle me anymore.  So the big question is...”What the Hell can I do to make this all stop?”

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