Lowly Worm.

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"Embry, wake up ya lowly worm." A woman screamed. "You'll be late for ya' chores ya moron!" She kicked the child in the leg, waking up the previously sleeping boy from his nap. "Yes mom!" He yelled as he rushed towards his dirtied clothes, falling from his blanket trapping his foot and landing hard. "Oh geez ya idiot, are ya done messing around? Ya have ta finish ya chores 'fore ya fatha comes back and wrings ya a new 'un" She pulled him into his feet and watched has he dashed for his grey tunic and trousers.

     After getting dressed but unable to find his boots he slipped on some old sandals and rushed outside eager to get some coins, silver if he's lucky. He threw up his hooded tunic and sprinted through the streets taking alleyway after alleyway til he finds a place to climb. *There it is.* he thinks before he leaps onto a cart and on the low hanging roof pulling himself up. There's a far jump ahead, more than twice his height in length. 12 feet. He's lucky he has elven blood else he wouldn't have a chance.

      He jogs to the others side and turns around, getting ready to make the jump. *now or never, I've done this before it's just afew more feet I got this.*He takes off running as fast has is body will allow and right when he reaches the edge he jumps. With ever moment he's closer to the other side, he blinks, and his stomach slams against the ledge making him gasp in pain as his air leaves his lungs. After dragging himself up he holds his hand to his chest and lays on his back, and after what feels like an eternity he can finally inhale precious air. He slowly pushes himself up  before continuing on his way from rooftop to rooftop until reaching the edge of town. He quickly ran into the underbrush of the woods before traveling farther into the densely packed forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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