I Always Come Back

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Alice and FP had been drifting apart since she moved to the Farm. She was falling deeper into the cult, getting closer to Edgar. The investigation was beginning to take up more of her time. But deep down, that wasn't why she was keeping her distance from FP. It was getting increasingly more difficult to keep everything from him. She was making decisions that she would never normally make, but FP brought out the truth in her. Alice never felt more like herself than she did when she was in his arms, but that proved to be a problem in her current situation. If she was going to get close enough to Edgar to gather valuable information, she needed everyone to believe that she was completely brainwashed. And she couldn't do that with FP.

Nonetheless, she couldn't cut him out completely. That felt impossible with everything else that was going on.

"Wait, wait. Slow down. Jughead is in Toledo with Archie? And you didn't know until Gladys called you and Fred?" Alice relayed back to FP over the phone. She was driving into town from the Farm for a school board meeting that night, but she wanted to have time to visit Betty.

"Yes. They thought Archie would be safe from Hiram's clutches here but get this. None other than Penny Peabody showed up there last night. Tried to take him out." FP retold the events of the night before.

"That bitch. Is everyone okay?" Alice sneered. She'd always hated Penny.

"Everyone except Penny, courtesy of Gladys. Apparently, she saw where Penny cut Jug's tattoo off before she showed up. That didn't fair well with his mom." FP chuckled.

"I can imagine." Alice laughed back, half wishing that she had been the one to put Penny in her place. "When are you headed out?"

"Fred's bringing the truck over, so I can take the bikes. He should be here within a half hour." FP hesitated. "I'll be back tonight, Al. So, don't worry or anything."

"And why would I possibly be worried about you, Forsythe?" Alice quipped sarcastically, easier than confirming his notion that she may be jealous. "Can I see you tonight?"

"Of course. I'm not sure what time I'll be back, but I'll call you." FP answered hastily. He missed her, not that he would admit that.

"Alright. I'll see you, Jones. Be careful." Alice said in place of the 'I love you' that could never make it quiet out of her mouth.

"You too, Al."


Riverdale had descended into complete chaos. Alice rushed to pick Betty up from the Sisters. She didn't care if it would mess things up with Edgar and the investigation. She needed to have Betty with her to know she was safe. For all Alice knew, Betty was patient zero. If they were trying to figure out what was causing the seizures around town, they would find out that Betty was the first to fall. 

Hiram Lodge had something to do with these seizures and Alice wouldn't have her daughter poked and prodded by men in Hazmat suits because of it. Alice pulled up to the gothic building, but something was going on. Children were filing out and the nuns were no where to be found.

"Mom?" Betty called out as Alice left her car.

"Betty?" Alice asked running up to her daughter. "Why are you wearing that outfit? What's going on?" She filed off the questions, gesturing to Betty's medieval makeover.

"What are you doing here?" Betty questioned before answering any of Alice's.

"Hell is breaking loose. I came to get you out of the Sisters."

"Well, you're just in time, but it's not just going to be me." Betty said, looking at all the patients walking around aimlessly.

Alice looked around, taking in the magnitude of their situation. Too many kids to count were beginning to surround them, looking to Betty as if she had all the answers. Based on her daughters hideous attire, Alice gathered that this had something to do with G&G. 

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